Markelium Heavy Industries / MKHI

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security

Welcome to Markelium Heavy Industries. We aim to be an independent organization that is able to provide our own resources and security while turning a profit.


Markelium Heavy Industries was started up in the year 2947 and has slowly grown into the small corporation that it is today. The rocky path of 30k’s, bugs and other limiting factors constrain MKHI no more. The foundation of our company is being built and our connections are being expanded day by day. We welcome all newcomers to the game and will help out where we can in both resources and information.


We aim to make a profit to help those of our organization fulfill their wishes. Whether that is to own a small personal ship or to crew one of our many vessels such as the Kraken, Polaris or even an Orion. We have many roles to fill for just about any play style. Although we do condone illegal activities if we can help it. Having a wide range of allies is a priority for making UEC by providing them a service, whether that is of industrial or security based needs. We expect members to be civil in their interactions with others and to help the organization where they can. We do not demand 100% of your time but we do hope you will join us in our pursuit of UEC.


1) Don’t grief.
2) Keep your actions and words civil. (No racism, no politics and no starting fights, ect. et.)
3) Turn a profit when you can. Our organization will help all of it’s members but we cannot shoulder the cost alone. If you receive help please return the favor at some point.
4) Have fun and hang out with us but feel free to recruit new players and help them as well.