Strongarm Industries / MMGC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Resources

Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.


Strongarm Industries, Member of the Multi Galactic Corporations was founded in the early days of space travel as a transport Corporation and a suport network for settlers throughout the expanding reach of humanity.

Upon the successful re-settlement of thousands of Earthers over hundreds of journeys accross the Empire, Strongarm Industries branched out into the main divisions we still operate to this day; Transport and trading, mining and salvage, security and exploration.

Recently Strongarm Industries moved our entire base of operations to the Stanton System, with offices at Orison Crusader and New Babbage Microtech. Any enquiries can be diverted to our team at either of these locations.


We are looking for pilots, mercenaries and skilled industrialists to join our team and continue our expansion accross the empire.

Strongarm Industries offer the chance for anybody to chase their ambition under the supportive umbrella of a network of skilled pilots and industialists. Whether you want to run space cruises, mine, salvage, protect or trade there is a career path we can offer.


Current Roles:
-Data running
-Repair/ rearm/ refuel

Current Fleet:
-Drake Kraken Privateer
-RSI Orion
-Aegis Reclaimer
-Crusader Genesis Starliner
-Crusader C2 Hercules
-Crusader Mercury Star Runner
-Crusader Ares Inferno
-Misc Endeavour
-Banu Merchantman
-Anvil Crucible
-Misc Hull D
-RSI Apollo
-Aegis Nautilus
-Argo SRV