Mongoose Nest Starfleet / MONGOOSE

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Exploration


Our Conquest is the Ocean of Stars!





  • 2942-10-19 Star Citizen 930周年纪念日
  • 2943-07-29 猫鼬巢穴星际舰队成立于地球
  • 2943-09-04 猫鼬星舰的网站创建(
  • 2943-11-20 成员达到100人
  • 2944-01-19 成员达到200人
  • 2944-01-22 地球联合帝国(UEE)颁布组织法案,同日猫鼬星舰正式注册
  • 2944-04-25 成员达到300人
  • 2944-08-25 成员达到400人
  • 2944-11-05 成员达到500人
  • 2944-12-30 成员达到600人
  • 2945-03-21 成员达到700人
  • 2945-07-18 成员达到800人
  • 2945-10-03 成员达到900人
  • 2946-02-15 成员达到1000人!


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A mongoose is a small carnivoran member living on the hot continent on old earth. Mongooses is the lovers of peace, but Mongooses is not feeble. Through precise and efficacious teamwork, Mongooses could protect themselves from even the most dangerous predators; they also share food and supplies among group members. Thus, a group of Mongooses could establish a stable Mongoose society. However, although A Mongoose looks vulnerable, even cobras have to consider carefully before making an offense.

Considering the condition in universe, a group offers unmatched strength and advantages than one single pilot could reach. It says if skills and ideas are swords of pilots, a well-organized organization would offer those shields.

Mongooses Nest Starfleet is a in-game cooperation formed by Chinese players around the world. It offers not only a warm home, a place where you can call it base, but also a stage for you to share your experiences with others. It can fulfill your demand of a sense of belonging; it can make your journey not alone anymore.

Members in Mongoose love sci-fi, space travel, and any of those related literal works and games. As you are reading this sentence, we believe you share the similar interests with us. You should join us.

Together in Mongoose, we fight; we live; And we trust each other. Together, we will write the history belonging to Mongoose.



Ⅰ. 一箭易断,十箭难折,为了在茫茫宇宙中更好的生存下去,我们共同立誓签约,自愿结为公民团体。
Ⅱ. 我们追求自己的快乐、自由和利益,而让渡自己的部分权利给组织的最终目的也为此。
Ⅲ. 我们根据自己的兴趣来决定自己要做什么,而团队协作能够更好的实现自己的目标。
Ⅳ. 我们能够约束自己的言行,表现的成熟且有涵养,并且全力维护猫鼬的荣誉和声望。
Ⅴ. 我们能够发自内心的遵守我们的规章制度,兼顾个人利益和组织利益的平衡。
Ⅵ. 我们让更接近问题的人有决策权,而这个决策权能够调动的资源则由你在组织中的资历与能力来决定。
Ⅶ. 我们会向喜欢我们这种方式,并愿意遵守我们的规章,融入我们的氛围的人发出邀请。
Ⅷ. 我们有义务为组织作出贡献,并且有权公平的根据对组织的贡献来获得利益。
Ⅸ. 我们对于组织的公共事务,应遵循清晰的流程、明确的依据、公平的裁定、透明的记录。
Ⅹ. 人人生而平等,我们的公务人员除了代表组织执行管理职能以外并没有其他特权。
Ⅺ. 我们的规章制度不可能像法律一样制定的巨细无遗,当发生争议的时候,不妨静下心来协商,请牢记你的队友将和你并肩作战,一起走过我们的光辉岁月。
Ⅻ. 为使上述目的得以顺利实施、维护并发展,亦为将来能依此制定和实施有益于我们总体利益的一应公正和平等规章制度,我们都保证遵守和服从。

The Mongoose Charter

Ⅰ. Sticks tied together we stand. In order to better survive in this universe, we vow to unite as a whole and be a part of the organization.
Ⅱ. We voluntarily contribute to the organization for better pursuing our freedom, interest and happiness.
Ⅲ. We have the right to choose what we want to be in this universe, and the existence of teamwork will help us.
Ⅳ. We can restrain our behavior and show respect to others.
Ⅴ. We can stick to adhere our rules and regulations from our heart, always balance the interest of the individual and the organization.
Ⅵ. We keep decision-making people more closer to the problem, and let people who’re in the organization decide the resources people can mobilize what they deserve.
Ⅶ. We will invite who like our way, willing to adhere to our rules and into our atmosphere to join us.
Ⅷ. We have a responsibility to the organization, and also based on what contribution to get profit.
Ⅸ. In regards to public affairs within the fleet should follow the principles of patent procedure, definite evidence, fair judgment and transparent record.
Ⅹ. All men are created equal. Civil servants of the fleet do not have extra privileges except management function in behalf of the fleet.
Ⅺ. The rules and regulations do not like to be perfectly constituted. Please be calm and talk over whenever conflicts occur. Point out that we fight side by side, and all the days of glory, we have come through together.
Ⅻ. That to accomplish the goals mentioned above and ensure a series of polices and measures that in favor of public interest can be constituted accordingly, we shall pledged to obey.