The Monks of Cool / MONKSCOOL

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

It’s not about anger – it’s about peace. It’s not about power – it’s about grace. It’s not about knowing your enemy – it’s about knowing yourself.


In the beginning (1955) there was the fonz and he was one with his mojo and he did go forth amongst the people and saw that they had lost there way and become square. So, he did speak unto Richy saying “Heeeey! I must teach them so that they can know of the “Cool Way” and thus in time the ones that did learn this “Cool Way” came to be known as “The Monks Of Cool”.


We believes strongly in being a positive influence in the community. We encourage members to become involved in the community and to have a positive impact on it. We recognize those members that do become involved and go above and beyond simply “playing games” for entertainment. The Monks Of Cool are more than a group of people who are playing Star Citizen. We are a virtual community and seek to have a positive influence on the world around us.


Fleet First: We expect all members to ensure that all actions they take are done in the mindset of ‘Fleet first’. Anything a member does reflects on the overall fleet image and on all fellow members. We expect members to only take actions that reflect positively on the Fleet image that we are working very hard to build