Mining Consortium / MRET

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Resources

All things mining, exploration, and transportation of goods.
As a corporation, we unite 3 things, Exploration where explorers explore, mining where miners mine, and transport where transporters transport.
Our mission is simple to unite these three industries.


In 2655 our founder envisioned a mining empire that spanned solar systems. His journey as a miner himself sought a richer and higher life quality than the one he had. He sought to give miners better incomes, a better quality of life, and be more recognized within the international community. His vision was to unite miners and create an organization that would be valued in the United Earth Empire. He had a great vision that carried on after he had passed, a company that lived up to his legacy.
During his tenure as CEO, he fought for miners and made them more recognizable within the international community.
As a miner within his company, he made sure that miners wouldn’t be persecuted throughout the empire for infringing on foreign claims, Making sure that everyone was treated equally, not just the people at the top, but the people at the bottom too.
Our former CEO was what we have to live up to and carry on his tradition, his name Felix Harbinger.


Our Current CEO, Toasty, Has another vision for the company, he seeks not just to unite miners, but to unite explorers and transporters alike.
The company’s new policy is to unite all trades within the mining sector to fight for everyone within it.
Explorers discover new mining locations. Miners procure the ore. Transporters take the ore for refinement and finally sell the ore.
This is a streamlined process within the industry that this company intends to carry out. Making mining more profitable for all that are involved.
Our company policies stick with our founder. We make sure that everyone is represented fairly within the organization and throughout the empire.
We have fought for our place within the empire this company aspires to keep it that way.
Pirates within the empire’s space will not be tolerated within this company and should be dealt with quickly and efficiently, That is why we as an organization work with the UEE military and other organizations to prevent this type of crime.

Toasty, CEO.


These rules shall be followed by everyone within the organization. These rules should be followed throughout the company.

1. All Explorers, miners, and transporters are treated fairly within the company.

2. We are a non-hostile community, we do not fire unless fired upon. If said miner is fired upon the company’s military will be dispatched.

3. If a miner finds a new “hot” mining spot it should be reported to the Mining consortium for immediate exploitation.

4. Explorers, miners, and haulers should report to their immediate superior when an issue arises.

5. Pirates will not be tolerated within this community and should be dealt with as soon as possible. The UEE military or one of The Mining Consortium contractors should be notified if any activity is present. So, they can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.