Medical Rescue Recovery Emergency Services / MRRES

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Medical
  • Security

“You can’t truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you are capable of great violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless.”

MRRES for Hardcore Players


Seeing a need for emergency services in violent and volatile universe, MRRES members step into the void.

It has been debated extensively throughout history, what is the real Symbol of Medicine. The Staff and Serpent, better known as the Rod of Asclepius? Or the winged staff with two serpents, knows as Caduceus? Here is a brief history and description to better understand MRRES and our mission.

The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of medicine, especially in the United States, despite its ancient and consistent associations with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy, and wisdom.

The modern use of the caduceus as a symbol of medicine became established in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century as a result of well-documented mistakes, misunderstandings of symbology and classical culture. The correct symbol for medicine is the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and no wings.

In Greek mythology, the Rod of Asclepius, also known as the Staff of Aesculapius and as the asklepian, is a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine. In modern times, it is the predominant symbol for medicine and health care, although it is sometimes confused with the similar caduceus, which has two snakes.

The distinction is important. There is no Hippocratic Oath in MRRES. We are combat Medics, not Doctors. Casualties and Crime Stats may be incurred, in order to achieve our contracts. We follow the American tradition of aid and will destroy anything between us and our objective.

We always have been and always will be an Emergency Services Org for all Citizens of the Verse. Especially those who contract us for work. You will find Members willing to give their lives in pursuit of fulfilling our contractual obligations. But more importantly we will assist criminal and pirates who engage in our Services.

Check Out my Socials:




Oh maybe my Twitch someday, whenever I get a better setup.



Medical Rescue Recovery Emergency Services or more easily stated as MRRES is designed around emergency response gameplay. Simply put, a Medical Org with a slant towards Combat, and a need for Industry.












All game loops available atm and roles MRRES seeks to fill.

Pick a “Primary Role”, a specialization if you will. Something you’re interested in doing in the verse but understand we are all combat medics first. The idea is to have multiple MR_E’s operating in the same servers. Some running solo doing whatever they want but willing to assist in moments of need, and others grouping up with other members or none member to accomplish different tasks or contractual agreements, hopefully someday achieving a completely independent and self-sustaining Organization. Ideally, it’d be nice to fill a fleet capable of going to Pyro and delivering Emergency Response Services. All while maintaining a presence in the Hurston System. Lofty goals.

Members encouraged to apply for one of the 99 MR_E Specialization. (Example MR_E-76) outlining a Squadron assignment and their specialization. Members will eventually be encouraged to change their Callsign or the Gamertag to their assigned Role. This isn’t something that needs to be immediately done or if ever. Obviously, it’d be nice to see if the Org is a good fit for you before committing. But I have a vision where in the Star Citizen Universe there are 100 MRRES agents running around, who hopefully have garnished themselves a reputation of always being dependable and trustworthy Combat Medics. Usually where there is one, there are more close by. In combat they are hard to distinguish and single out and will fight to the last man if needed. Each is a capable and well rounded mercenary. We can be hired for just about any task as long as the agreed upon price is fitting. From high thrill criminal activity, to mundane escort missions, all the way to helping someone mine or salvage. I see a medium sized group of dedicated players able to work together when needed in any capacity or able to run solo in this vast and punishing universe. Its less about your ability and prowess and more about your attitude. Have an indomitable spirit and the skills will follow.

If all of this sounds overwhelming and complicated, that’s probably because it is. This is barely the tip of the “iceberg” of how I would like to see this grow, but all good things in time. It’s by design. I don’t see the 100 player Roster filling up for the foreseeable future, very few will become MR_E’s and that’s ok. If you like everything that MRRES is about but are looking for a more Casual experience, consider checking MRRES Caduceus, where there are no rules and very minimal structure.


Looking to build an Org of dedicated, reliable, and capable Combat Medics, Soldiers, Fighter Pilots, Drop Pilots, Engineers, Salvagers, Miners, Refiners and Refuelers. Independent Contractors, able to integrate into operational Units/Squadrons/Fleets or operate as an independent agent when needed. The idea is to build a cohesive Org with a combat edge centered around Medical Rescue Recovery Emergency Services and everything required needed to make this a self sufficient operation.

You will need to be capable of working independently and in a Team setting. Group Training Exercises will eventually be implemented to hone Fleet and Squadron capabilities. But mostly I see MR_Es running solo or grouping up in solo ships to better achieve our goals. For example, a MR_E who just picked up a medical rescue where they will have to commit a crime in order to recover the client, can contact another MR_E to down the Comms Array. Simultaneously completing each task. After which MR_E can go back to their solo missions or head to the AO for escort if requested. I want every MR_E to be a capable an independent operator in the Verse. Able to expand and contract our presence when needed. I do not want a gang of criminals, but a Small to Medium sized Org of decisive and effective mercenaries.

Our Goals are simple, to make the Universe a safer place, and make auec while doing so. We are not criminals, nor are we law abiding citizens. We are a lawless faction willing to tred the line of morality.

- We will work to Medically assist those in need, criminal or otherwise.

- We will strive to Rescue and assist those who need us at a moment’s notice.

- We will ensure the Recovery and repair of all stranded in the Void.

- We will quell chaos and respond to Emergency situations as they arise.

- We will run escort Services for those who need protection, and proactively hunt bounties.

Rules are simple.

1. We do not attack others unless you’re getting paid or engaged in mutual combat. Red doesn’t mean dead, but pirating pirates is acceptable. As long as profits are the goal.

- Rules of engagement are clear. We operate off of a Non Aggression Pact or NAP. Simply put we do not hurt those that aren’t actively trying to hurt Us, our Allies, or our Clients. Criminality does not constitute Violence. Meaning a player being red does not justify violence towards them. Do not engage unless needed to based on your objective (Contract/Beacon). This is obviously situational and will be at your discretion. Just don’t conduct yourself in a volatile manner. Remember, Violence constitutes Violence.

2. Always have a Med Gun and a Weapon.

- We will be respectful citizens of the Verse, that will stray over the lines of legality to achieve our objectives. We must always be ready with the tools to both give life and to take it. These 2 items give us the ability to preserve life, and exercise prejudice when needed. As a MRRES Ranger you will strive to always be prepared. Med Pen and a knife is acceptable. You get the idea.

3. Do what you say you’re going to do. Respect yourself by honoring your Word and take solace in Dignity.

- Your word and our Reputation will be synonymous. If we conduct ourselves in a volatile manner that will reflect poorly on the rest of us. If you are hired for a job, you see it through. If you talk shit in GC be willing to back it up. And when you lose because we all do, lose with some dignity. Do not apply to be a part of this Org if you do not understand this idea. Weak minds will be fleshed out.


We will not be a massive Org. Roster caps out at 100 Members. Affiliates Roster will be capped at 99.