Malaysian Space Exploration & Trading Corporation / MSET

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Welcome to the Malaysian Space Exploration and Trading Corporation – Melawan Arus, Menjejak Angkasa

MSET Corporation is a premier space trading organization based in Malaysia. We are currently hiring.


The Malaysian Space Exploration and Trading Corporation or MSET Corp was established in Sol 2014 by a core group of passionate individuals keen on exploring new frontiers in space and business. Though established in Malaysia, the company is accepting applicants regardless of nationality or background.

MSET Corp. officially began operations in early 2016 and currently boasts a complement of ships capable of undertaking a variety of missions types from basic repair work to large scale cargo hauling. At MSET Corp, client safety is our priority, and as such we have skilled and tested pilots able to do the job and more.

Our fleet currently consists of the following ships, with views for substantial expansion.

Constellation Andromeda
Reliant Kore
Retaliator Base
Vanguard Warden
Mustang Alpha
Mustang Delta
Aurora x 2


We are Bold – the heavens are our playground
We are Cunning – every problem has a solution
We are Strong – overwhelming the competition
We are One – dedicated and benevolent


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.