Mourning Star Industries / MSI

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Scouting
  • Exploration

Mourning Star Industries, an exploration/research collective and private military organization that represents private interests and operates on the fringes of society. Ideal applicants possess high aptitude and/or marshal prowess. Ideal clients are generous. Quality and performance are not cheap.


LORE: The Mourning Star represents and is a tribute to someone loved, who was lost to eternity, long ago, and possibly, all those lost since the death of innocence.

BIO: The Founder, Idhasr Kahn@MOURNING_STAR, is a professional American Gunsmith, trained Small Arms and Artillery Repair Technician- educated and accredited, combat veteran of the most recent Iraq War with multiple deployments, PSYOP Specialist, former DOD civillian sub-contractor, CNC machinist, and a scholar of science, history, politics, philosophy and ecclesiastics. In conclusion has always had an interest in space travel, and mainly- the design and function of space based weaponry

CONCEPTUAL GOAL: One of many goals of this fleet is to design conventional fighter based ballistic shipborne weaponry concepts to penetrate ship hulls, namely ships of the larger capital classes, in addition to personal small arms for boarding and taking of aforementioned capital ships. Submitting designs to the game developers in hopes that they will be added to the universe.

MORE INFO: Mourning Star Industries (MSI) is an integrated social experiment, with plans to draw players from many universes.

Integrated guilds:

Order of the Blue Falcon (ESO)
The Veridian Harem (STO) -Defunct
The Emerald Syndicate (STO)
Space Vikings (Galaxy Legion) -Defunct
Mourning Star (EVE) -Defunct

Philosophies and Doctrines employed within MSI, are the results of lessons learned and bearing witness to many failed policies in other peoples guilds, clans, and/or fleets from other games, to not repeat the mistakes of the past, in terms of leadership, policy, and administration. All are welcome to apply for membership

Additional Information to be posted at a later time.


Projected to be a lowsec deep space based fleet. Militaristic in structure. Industrious by enterprise. Lethal in application. Being research, exploration, and production oriented is our scope and purpose.

Producing high caliber armaments is our long term industrial goal. Researching and discovering such related technologies is our scientific aim. Securing and constructing a base FAR from the interference of others is our initial tactical goal. Securing our borders being for the long term.

Establishing a free society and being a self sustainable force to be reckoned with, is our endgame.

Peace through superior firepower.


Mourning Star Industries rests on both side of galactic law. The company itself and its members answer to no one.

We are a self serving company. We can run protection from raiders, or be the raiders. Transportation, shipping, and smuggling.

Our services are for hire, our technology is for sale, everything has its price, even lives.

The Company is a logic based, post- rule of law group in philosophy.

The only real rule is to not troll or screw over others within the Company.

No hoplophobia will be tolerated.

Rank and chain of command only would apply when immediate tactical need dictates it.

Freedom of rights- thought, speech, expression, and voluntary exchange is the paramount.

Satanism meets Anarchism and Capitalism here.

We live to offend, raunch, guts, gore, and more!

Fuck feelings, including yours!

No Children 18+