The Myriad / MYRIAD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Discord: Here

Growing website: Here

Contact the leader: Here


Purpose: Exploration of space, recovery of galactic technology and history, independent work.
Status: Forming.
Motto: Elysium was the start, the stars are merely the continuation.

Out of Character
OOC History

The Myriad started on Star Wars The Old Republic, Bioware’s first and was originally the most anticipated MMO in 2011. Many of the ones who came from SWTOR to here are basically those who are done with the game, as many were tired of the lack of content and the game pretty much going nowhere despite what others may tell one another. When we heard about Star Citizen and the progress it was making to develop and grow and become the game that many Sci-Fi people want in a video game. We are roleplayers who enjoy PvE and PvP as well but mainly we focus on the first genre of gameplay!


The Myriad is an organization of freelancers and all walks of life that has been in service since the last three years of the 27th century, sometime after the attacks of the Vanduul on human colonies and humanity’s first contact with the species. The discovery of all these alien races such as the Banu, Xi’an, Vanduul, Tevaran, Kr’thak and more had sparked the imaginations of humans since long before to answer the question: Are we alone in the universe? It answers itself even now, but what else is out there? The Myriad is dedicated to the people of the galaxy who wish to take on other jobs, but discover the vast, rich and enticing lore the universe can offer Mankind and more. Of course because of the fragile political situations of the rest of the galaxy and the U.E.E., MYRIAD has kept itself reclusive from the eyes of the public, seeking out select people to bring into the fold, including U.E.E. supporters who wish to see more sides of the coin than deal with a fragile structure alone.

As well as discovering the secrets the ‘verse has to offer, many members of Myriad take a lot more various jobs such as freelancing soldiers, engineers, smugglers, pilots, entrepreneurs, pirates, bounty hunters, etc. By ‘all walks of life’, it literally is a mix of multiple different personalities and ambitions that mold the Myriad to what it is. What may seem messy and disorganized to others, may in-fact be what keeps the organization in-check and growing. The location of the Myriad home-base is currently unknown, if there even is one.


