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  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

NOMADS, they don’t belong to any specific group or social club, however may have earned privileges in other organizations if they choose to do so and those said organizations allow the affiliation. Nomads will go anywhere to take care of business, alone or with others……. “Till Death do us part”


This group was started back in 2012 to create a social club of those that didn’t want rules or hierarchy bounding them from playing as they wish. It was to be worn as a patch as a symbol of recognition basically saying “Don’t mess with me”, or “Don’t Tread on me”

We adopted the style of popular MC (Motorcycle clubs) to fashion our logo and represent ourselves in a powerful manner.
The 1% part of the logo represents the small percentage or members that are tough enough to handle themselves in any situation.

Nomads lead themselves and own there actions, Do as you wish whether it be exploration, smuggling or even piracy.


NOMADS allow you to have complete freedom to do whatever your little heart desires.


I am a NOMAD, surviving with the brotherhood which
guard our movements and our way of life.
I am prepared to give my life in there defense.

I will never surrencer of my own free will.
If in charge, I will never surrender while
our crew still has the means to resist.

I will give no information nor take part in any action
which might be harmfull to my comrades

I will never forget that I am a NOMAD.
Fighting for survival, responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles of freedom.

I will trust our brotherhood and defend to the death.