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Nova Corsica / NACA

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Infiltration
  • Smuggling

Hey there! Welcome to Nova Corsica! Is there something we can do for you? Maybe make a deal? Or do You need some product moved? Maybe someone moved? Whatever the case is we can help with whatever you need in any way necessary!


Who’s asking?


This org was not created, It was born! With that being said our intentions and goals are still being developed by all memebers of the org.



Ensign: These are people who are new to the organization. They will be evaluated by all members of the org from low ranking officials to high. These people are also subject to termination if deemed necessary.
Requirements for the next rank:
- Prove capable of working as a team
- Provide org with at least 10,000 aUEC.
- Prove your loyalty with regular active gameplay
- Protect each members of the Org with your life

Lieutenant: Once a person is given Lieutenant status they will be assigned to a particular subject of service. A person must effectively do their job. They will also be given a subjective service type added to there title by their commanding officer. ex. Lieutenant _Cargo . Org members will continue evaluation and effectiveness of specialized subject. Members will also be subject to degradation of status to ensign if requirements are not met by commanding officers. In addition if member cannot effectively do the assigned service, they can either apply for a different service or be given Subject Elites Status where they will be given the ability to work within multiple services. This is carried out by commanders. A member must pay an org fee of an additional 10,000 aUEC for each additional service per Captains and commanding officers supervision.
Type of services:
In order to move up in rank:
- Prove capable of working within your subject per commander supervision.
- Provide Org with at least 50,000 aUEC from specialized subjects profit. Unless given Subject Elites Status per captains orders then a person may pay the amount with a combination of specialized subjects.
- Continue to prove loyalty with regular gameplay
- Continue to protect org members with their lives
- Approved by Commanding officer.

Commander: Members given the Commander status supervises a specific subject and the lieutenants in the them. They make sure each lieutenant in the specific job works effectively and efficiently. Commanders are specialized in their fields therefore they must educate lieutenants until they are as work effective as Commanders themselves. Captains may give Commanders Subject Elitus Status to Commanders. Each added subject requires a fee of 25,000 aUEC. Commanders will also provide funding for the org by being given funding from captains for missions. Missions that the lieutenants must carry out successfully. Commander also have the ability to degrade lieutenants to Ensign if they are not able to work within their subject.
In order to move up in rank:
- Prove capable of leading lieutenants effectively and efficiently
- Each commander must provide steady income for the org of at least 75,000 aUEC each month in there specialized field.
- Provide Org with at least 125,000 aUEC from specialized subjects profit. If given Subject Elites Status per captains orders then a commander may pay the amount with a combination of specialized subjects.
- Continue to prove loyalty with regular gameplay
- Continue to protect org members with their lives
- Approved by Captains.

Captain: Oversees all commanding officers. Which includes degradation of commanders to lieutenants if they are deemed ineffective by admirals. Captains also provide funding to commanders so that they can make aUEC profit for the org. Captains also provide battle analytics for wars.
This includes:
- Researching enemy strength
- Providing rosters of enemy ships
- Amassing necessary fire power from org for an effective victory
- Assigning lower ranking officials and members for scanning and covert ops
- Working with commanding officers to provide battle assistance and supply lines
- Captains are also in charge of Capital class ships if Admiral and High Admirals are not present.
In order to move up in rank:
- Prove capable of supervising commanders effectively
- Provide Org with at least 200,000 aUEC from commanding officers profits
- Continue to prove loyalty with regular gameplay
- Continue to protect org members with their lives
- Approved by Admirals


High Admiral: Supervises all an has the ability to terminate members and officials forever. High Admiral also has the ability to transfer, combine, or terminate org.