Nanics / NANICS

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  • Transport
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NANICS is a privately owned Corporation founded in 2899 by the former head of the UEE Trade and Development Division & UEE Department of Transportation & Exploration – Keanu Ochoa. After he was thrown out of the UEE due to insuperable dissents in regards of how the problem of increasing numbers of smugglers should be countered with, he decided to establish a small trading company in an ‘outer world’ System – Bremen. This company hugely profited from his information about the whole UEE trading and Transportation network. NANICS was able, thanks to confidential information about the UEE that Ochoa was able to obtain before he had to leave, identifying major trade lanes and those that were not highly frequented but extremely profitable. He sold this information to traders and made a fortune with information selling and trading.

Offering an excellent base provided by the knowledge of his years of service in the United Earth Empire the leadership of NANICS managed to build up and opened the first trading hubs in the year 2901 located in several economic zones. To the public, NANICS was a well-known freight hauler in the outer systems. Today, the network spans over more than 30 systems in the UEE territory.

By 2906, rumors spread that the company was not solely active in trading and selling inside information about trade developments. The name NANICS was suddenly infamously named a smugglers’ nest and that the given information about trades was only a small part of what Ochoa knew about the UEE. People believed that the inside information were used to determine areas with low security levels to optimize black market trades and bootlegging. No solid information about a secret NANICS business where ever found so it is still unknown if this part is true or not. NANICS itself does not officially take a stand on these rumors as per our understanding it is not necessary to add fuel to egregious assumptions. NANICS will not sacrifice reputation and quality for short-term gain.


Aerospace & Security

We at NANICS started our own security and risk management division within our company in 2935 after the threat of piracy and hostage-taking became more and more present. This service is not exclusively used for our own assets but is greatly utilized by several customers at the edge of the UEE territory. We have a wide client-base including local governments, agencies and the corporate sector, and are a major security provider to the ‘outer areas’ of the United Empire of Earth. The NANICS SRM is leading in their field for the ‘outer areas’ with project experience in over 15 star systems.

We offer comprehensive advice on every aspect of security from corporate operations, commercial risk and foreign investment to support to governments. Furthermore, our clients benefit from the extensive capabilities of our highly trained personnel, built up through our own training facilities in areas such as military and diplomatic strategies, intelligence services, finance and commerce.


Ethical Standards

We are working to establish international standards and independent third-party regulation for the working areas where we are present. Since our founding NANICS is committed to setting and adhering the highest possible professional and ethical standards in addition to supporting the introduction of effective national and planetary regulations for the commercial and security sector likewise. We have worked – and are still working – internally and externally to implement regulations that reflect international agreements.

Key commitments include:

• Contributor to the latest version of the Interplanetary Trade and Transportation Code of Conduct (ITTCC).
• Supporting the further development of the ITTCC, providing staff members into the Steering Committee.
• Engagement in the delivery of an UEE wide maritime standard for commercial and military vessels.
• In March 2918 NANICS gained ISO 9001:2000 statuses, recognizing the quality of our administrative and management systems. We remain compliant and certified to ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001


Guiding Principles

INTEGRITY We demonstrate the highest degree of integrity in every aspect of what we do. We are committed to instilling professional and ethical behavior in all our employees and associates.

EXCELLENCE We set the bar for the best-in-class operational excellence. We empower our people to deliver customer-focused solutions with the highest levels of professionalism and commitment to excellence.

TEAMWORK We promote and support a diverse, yet unified team. While respecting the individuality of our people, we work together as a team to meet our customers’ goals. We leverage our unique skill set in support of our customers’ demands.

GOVERNANCE We take responsibility for our performance legally and ethically. We have a diverse Board of Directors that provides oversight and guidance to best serve our customers.

DIGNITY We honor the rights and beliefs of our fellow associates, our customers, our employees and the communities in which we operate. We treat others with dignity and respect.

INNOVATION We value, encourage, and enable our employees and associates to develop innovative and pragmatic solutions to real-world challenges for continuous improvement.


About us

Our dense network of skilled professionals can provide customized solutions for our clients to help them navigate their goods and crews through the most difficult situations in the universe safely.

The always changing market situations and demands for innovative solutions can be applied in both operating environments – be it commercial or security and risk management. NANICS is your partner for both! Years of experience with both, private and commercial clients have allowed us to become a trusted partner for everyone that is in need of the other kind of help by providing solutions that foster a smarter, approach based on extensive knowledge and thorough training.



We believe in the power of information and preparation in the face of complex, ever-changing situations. Our team brings together more than 100 years of combined trading and security experience to deliver dynamic strategies for our valued customers. No matter the scope of the task or duration of the mission, NANICS bases its’ strategies on information that helps mitigate the commercial risk and/or hostile actions for our client base.


Transport and Logistics

The timely and safe movement of goods and people is critical for the economy or security and the pressure to deliver faster, further and for less is always present. Across diverse industry sectors, we secure all aspects of the supply chain to protect and account for our clients assets at all times. We draw on our resources and our logistics network across widely differing cultures and terrains, technology, risk consultancy, project management and our experience of managing the ‘roads between worlds’ to provide the universe a tangible difference.

For our clients, our bigger picture approach brings enhanced security, reduced costs, increased revenue-generating opportunities and improved performance through the whole supply chain. Recognize that secure and beneficial solutions come from looking at the whole challenge. Let us help you see the opportunities that exist in securing your world.
Our pathfinding services help companies to do business in challenging and emerging markets. Our knowledge and experience mean that we are well-placed to provide the support and advice necessary to reach informed business decisions and to provide risk mitigation strategies to support commercial success.

NANICS can offer reporting and guidance on:

• Political, operational, security and reputational considerations.
• Identification and provision of appropriate physical locations for office and residential premises.
• Identification of, and due diligence on, local professional service providers.
• Threat assessments and the design of an appropriate security strategy.
• Advice on the nature and extent of corruption and establishing mitigation strategies.


We agree to a basic code of conduct that is referred to as the Codex or simply the Code. Principles included, should help guiding our behavior towards ourselves and others in our challenges.

No harm for no profit

Efficient and Economical reasoning should motivate our actions in our strife to success. We agree that everybody whether from our company or not, should be treated with an equal amount of respect to a fellow Citizen that might one day be a friend or even a brother in Arms. So we try to keep casualties low and don’t offend others. Proficiency is one of our trademarks.

“An honest man’s word’s as good as his bond! We keep our end of the bargain in any agreement we sign in and are reliable partners to our allies.”


Our Mission

• Manufacturing and supplying products and services that satisfy the needs of our customers.
• Constantly achieving operational excellence.

Our Objectives

• Realize the potential of our people.
• Meet our customer requirements.
• Safeguard asset integrity.
• Creating a single minded unit.
• Always attempting to grow.
• Securing trade routes.
• Explore the universe.