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  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Resources

Need custom goods, an industry consultant, or a moon with your own shack? Anything, Anywhere, F.R.A.C.K. has got your back!


Fry’s Redesigns, Acquisitions, Curiosities & Kinship (F.R.A.C.K.) is currently looking for long-term business partners. New players and veterans both welcome. Must be an industrialist with a business plan to become a permanent business partner. There are no ‘followers’ here.

Join F.R.A.C.K. if:

- You are a regular, dedicated player.
- Don’t require a chain of command.
- Are respectful, focused and find microphone belching grotesque.
- 21+

Historical Log

- New F.R.A.C.K. org page Charter published January 2021
- New F.R.A.C.K. org page graphics January 2021!
- Records regarding activities are internally maintained to protect the privacy of our clients.


About Us

F.R.A.C.K is a Private Organization based in the Stanton system.

Services include:
- Redesigns of business/labor force infrastructure
- Acquisitions to expand your exotic assets
- Curiosity procurement, architecture design, and exploration
- Kinship with a small, long-term unit of highly knowledgeable Partners

F.R.A.C.K. is comprised exclusively of Partners selected for their technical and tactical proficiency in executing and overseeing multiple operations. Partners command their heavily modified vessels in small teams, or alone, according to the nature of their missions and their own preferences.

F.R.A.C.K. membership is not employment, it is a partnership. Each Partner takes full responsibility of their business strategy.

How to become a Partner

If this Organization sounds like what you’ve been looking for, apply to join us and learn more!


F.R.A.C.K. Partnership exclusively mandates strict adherence to the Militia Mobilization Initiative, and Civilian Defense Force Act of 2946 as operational mandates, regional government, corporate, and private client contracts as authorized by the United Empire of Earth, Xi’an Empire, and Banu Protectorate.



Command Structure

F.R.A.C.K. is designed to be an organization of like minded Partners, and thus we will not attempt to lord over the decisions of individual Partners. The ranking system will be used to notate a Partner’s level of participation and trust within the organization. Higher ranking Partners will be encouraged to work together with lower ranks as mentors and aides, in order to promote their junior Partners’ business strategies and participation in F.R.A.C.K. growth. All Partners will be expected to treat higher ranking Partners respectfully and turn to each other with questions or concerns that you feel may help you achieve your goals.

Although Partnership is equal, advancement in rank for tenure purposes will be overseen by a founding Partner and can be promoted through participation in F.R.A.C.K. events, recommendation by senior Partners, and overall good standing amongst your fellow entrepreneurs.

Maturity Policy

F.R.A.C.K. is a small unit by design, Partnership is taken seriously, with some Partners having been together for years, across platforms & genres, and have experience organizing multi-national groups themselves. There are no “followers’‘ here. Those unwilling to leave their baggage at the gates will not be allowed Partnership, and those who cause turmoil and aim to tear rifts between Partners of F.R.A.C.K. will find their Partnership swiftly revoked.

Multi-Guild Policy

F.R.A.C.K. realizes that knowledge cannot be gained without experience, and so if the path of any of its Partners involves joining another reputable organization in order to pursue their business goals, we only ask that the aforementioned Partner continues to maintain communication with F.R.A.C.K. and send progress reports to our database with research notes and applicable discoveries. F.R.A.C.K. would require that any of its Partners who enter into contract with another organization carry themselves with the same level of maturity and civility that we would normally expect, so as not to tarnish one’s personal reputation or the reputation of F.R.A.C.K. and one’s fellow entrepreneurs. We hope to use this policy to promote solid, long-term relationships with many other organizations, and to allow our Partners to conduct business, endeavors, and expeditions with other groups as they deem beneficial.

F.R.A.C.K.’s piracy policies contain more information about multi-Partnership in notorious and disreputable organizations.

Roleplaying Policy

F.R.A.C.K. wishes to promote an immersive roleplay driven environment to its Partners in hopes of fully realizing the vast opportunities presented to us by the persistent universe and all of its rich and detailed lore. We realize that not all players may wish to engage in such activities and so we will not require our Partners to participate; but we feel that those who choose to do so will be rewarded with a much richer experience and will be able to make more of what Star Citizen has to offer its players.

We ask that any of our Partners who wish to partake in roleplay driven activities use lore appropriate names or titles, and try to remain in character when representing F.R.A.C.K. both in game and on any public chat or forum. We expect those who do not wish to participate to at least respect the choices made by those who do and to interact with them as you would any other player.

Social Etiquette Policy

F.R.A.C.K. wishes to promote a peaceful environment for business transactions, academic discussion and kinship development, and so we expect our Partners to carry themselves with a certain sense of dignity and civility both in universe and on the forums.

- We do not encourage participation in extremely polarized debates, except in attempts to moderate and seek peaceful resolution to such conversations.

- We encourage our Partners to help other citizens in need of aid if the Partner is capable of aiding them. Doing good deeds for the sake of helping others and promoting a generally positive appearance is an excellent way to establish friendly relationships with other organizations and recruit new Partners.

- We do not condone trolling, flaming, gloating, discrimination, insults, or base slander of any other forum Partner or organization. Any Partner taking such actions while representing F.R.A.C.K. will be subject to immediate review by the Partners and possible demotion or expulsion from the organization.

- Any Partner of The F.R.A.C.K. who wishes to participate in any form of competition is expected to show merits of good sportsmanship in victory and humility in defeat.

Aggression Policy

It is the intention of F.R.A.C.K. to remain mostly combat neutral. That is to say, we do not encourage our Partners to go seeking conflict while representing The F.R.A.C.K., as this may affect our standing with various partners and potential partner organizations. Nonetheless, we feel it is honorable to use what means we can in order to protect our Partners’ and clients’ interests from those that would do us harm, and do not discourage our Partners from defending themselves, the innocent, or our allies in such situations.

Anti-Piracy Policy

It is the official policy of F.R.A.C.K. that we do not and cannot condone the illegal activities associated with Piracy and Slavery. We discourage our Partners from participating in events that involve “the forceful extortion of” or “violent action against” innocent bystanders; and any Partner who participates in acts of violent piracy against innocent civilians will be subject to immediate expulsion if discovered.

Although we do not encourage “under-the-table” transactions, we also realize that the obtaining and trafficking of information and goods valuable to the private, academic and scientific community cannot always go through strictly legal channels. So, F.R.A.C.K. “discourages” but does not officially disallow the actions of smuggling, post battle salvage, or bounty hunting.

Hours and Time Zones

F.R.A.C.K. will not operate on a defined time schedule, since we realize that not all Partners will be able to dedicate regular hours to their activities in the persistent universe. Group endeavors and activities will be scheduled according to availability and we expect Partners to go about their regular transactions on their own schedules.

The only regularly scheduled events will be updates to the database, known as the Ledger of Grudges, which will likely be submitted as needed with multiple reminders. To this end, we encourage all Partners of F.R.A.C.K. to keep transaction logs which can be submitted to the archives regularly.

Our current coverage is of the PST (Pacific Standard Time), CST (Central Standard Time) and EST (Eastern Standard Time) zones. These will change according to Partnership and we are open to Partners representing any time zone.