Neverending Dream Foundation Taskforce / NDFT

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

“Dreams don’t work unless you do.” – John C. Maxwell


Created in 2909 NDFT had a rocky start. Slowly wading its way through on the edge of bankruptcy. The companies fleet participated in many small scale escort or defense contracts never able to gain a solid long term contract it was unable to expand. The small fleets over the years dwindled and regrew as ships were destroyed by pirates in defense of others and bought with the funds it had to spare or become fleetless and succumb to bankruptcy. As time wore on so did time on its membership until now. Its sole member and the owner of the company decides to push forward and grow the company she grew up watching suffer.


The NDFT is a Defense and Security contractor that is growing even now.

Money is the goal.
Pilots are the money makers
The law is an inconvenience.

Enjoy life, make money, be happy.


Rules are simple.

1. 18+ 1A. have fun
2. Piracy isnt allowed.
3. Obey the law as long as you are making money, the law comes third in our list so if someone’s making your money not happen then you make them stop happening.
4. Keep it simple stupid
5. crude humor is fine, outright personal attacks are not.