Neutral Defense Pact / NDP

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Armed and ready, locked and loaded – put ‘em up, or shut ‘em down.

We are casual as the day is long and social as the night is short.

NDP is whatever and whenever, however.



Imagine a group of friends, hanging out, having fun. There are no role players, pad rammers, team killers, or griefers of any kind. These friends are here to have fun.

All are welcome to join, most will be welcome to stay, some few will be removed instantly and with great malice, and some will find a new online home, an excellent group of excellent people having more fun than is legal in some jurisdictions.

Bottom line, conflict will be handled, with extreme violence of action. Support will be freely given to those in need, and fun will be had by all and sundry (especially the sundry).


Maximum fun, zero drama. Negative conflict, positive support. Intelligent discourse, considerate cooperation, and an utter, wanton, disregard for safety. Have enough of all of this to share with everyone else, please.


Rules and Regulations:
  • Do not be impolite.
  • Be considerate.
  • Be open minded.
  • Be decent.
  • Be protective.
  • Be yourself.

If you are not any of these things, you will not last long in NDP.