New Era Of Corruption / NEOC

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Engineering
  • Resources

The abuse of power for gain and destruction.
Let those who dare to think otherwise know they are up against a formidable force.
(This Organization Is Currently Under Construction)


In an age of conceivable war with the Xi’An, a new entity has risen from the former founders of the vigilant Canvas Black clan and tech savvy n0ths group. Located within the Nexus System, planet 342A.03M – better known as Terra, hosts the masked base of operation of New Era of Corruption. Established in 2785 under the pretense name of NEO-Corp., best known from their acronym NEOC, is recognized for its forward thinking and advanced knowledge of chemical synthesis. The syndicate, New Era of Corruption is developed upon the foundation of the industrial business park of New Austin.

Amongst the founding members is (insert name), a brilliant and ruthless strategist, whom also happens to hold a Doctorate of Science degree in biotechnology. (insert name), is infamous for the development and creation of a selective material-degrading microorganism (MDM-3) which is able to degrade nearly all known materials effectively within seconds. The creation of MDM-3 led to a renewed UEE interest in weapon possibilities that, until recently, had been banned and or rejected.

During the mid-late 29th century, in response to criticism that humanity is only interested in greed and blood, the UEE begins the development and construction of a SynthWorld, converting a lifeless rock into a life-sustaining planet. As construction begins in 2872, NEOC wins a government bid for the delivery of raw materials and develops a satellite of operations in the Chronos system.

Shortly after the 2910 Vanduul attack, (insert name), a self-prescribed techno-mastermind in low-intensity warfare, whom has an unprecedented history of engaging in secret operations, for economic warfare and or sabotage activities, becomes a key operative in charge of NEOC’s security division.

Declaring Terra the new cultural capital of the UEE, Origin Jumpworks decides to relocate its corporate headquarters to New Austin in 2913. With the settlement and pressures of big corporate players, NEOC decides to venture out in search of new low-profile systems, in order to escape the ever-present corporate espionage.

Present day 2944 – this is where our game begins

New Era Of Corruption [NEOC] is currently in deliberation with the Rough Trade Gaming Community & Stonewall Gaming Network.

NEOC encompasses multiple agents who are comprehensively and thoroughly specialized, insuring quality service that is delivered to our clients without exceptions and without excuses.

Racing Team [NEOC]

Speed is a wondrous thing. Speed makes space smaller, bends time in our favor, and keeps danger a little farther from our doorsteps. We believe that, while the destination is important, the journey is everything. Make your journey richer; join the NEOC (racing) team today!


Our values are manifested in all aspects of our operations and processes; and ultimately in the quality service that is delivered to our clients. We provide a service without exceptions and without excuses.

Syndicate operatives provide a wide variety of clientele services, and although many of these are legitimate sanctioned services, operatives have been known to collaborate in the underground economy [Black Market] providing information and movement of contraband.

Legitimate Sanctioned Activity [LSA]
  • Engineering (Clientele Services Offered) – Our resource fabrication units produce extraordinary efficient fuels and exceptional alloys, highly sought by many leading advanced manufacturers.

  • Exploration (Clientele Services Offered) – Our explorers are leading the way in discovery, equipped with the latest and utmost advanced scanning and communication technologies deliver accurate information in a timely matter.
  • Resources (Clientele Services Offered) – Focusing on the planning, organization, management, control and execution in the supply chain, our resource extraction units use innovative extraction technology to deliver high-end products at competitive pricing.
  • Trade (Clientele Services Offered) – Every day, we manage the flow of goods, funds, and information in more than 100 star systems and territories. We develop a coherent approach to logistic considerations that offers an opportunity for reinforced co-operation and co-ordination between the different dimensions of the trade network.
  • Transport (Clientele Services Offered) – We are a leading provider of specialized transportation and logistics services. Knowledge is power, and one of the most valuable commodities is pure information: so if you need to move sensitive data from Point A to Point B. We offer high speed transit with advanced encryption data protection, guaranteed to be delivered safely and securely. There is nothing we can’t move: from standard bulk shipping to armored escorting. We ensure sustainable and competitive mobility throughout space.
  • Security (Clientele Services Offered) – we operate a small selected team of highly specialized operatives, who will meet the demands of securing any type of high profile importance for safety and protection before, during, and after the event. By having a security umbrella that covers physical security, premise security and cyber security, we are able to secure our clientele with least amount of risk.
  • Recovery (Clientele Services Offered) – Those who have the legal right of possession—whether an owner or interest-holder—often cannot exercise that right due to circumstances beyond their control. We can restore a client’s control over their property in a wide variety of situations. Our highly skilled recovery team can locate and recover any type of property. If the location of the property is unknown, our proven investigative techniques can find and track it down in any known star system usually within 72 hours. Weather the recovery effort is to coordinate emergency repair operations or return the property to its dispossessed owner or interest-holder. We provide a realistic appraisal of the costs and risks of reclaiming the property and the value of the property both before and after recovery.

Illegitimate Unsanctioned Activity [IUA]
  • Freelancing [Piracy] (Clientele Services Offered) at operatives’ discretion
  • Smuggling (Clientele Services Offered) at operatives’ discretion


Exploration & Scouting

*Boss: Decessa Daemon (arbiter of operations)
*Enforcer: Available (exploration unit)
*Enforcer: Available (scouting unit)

-Exploration Unit
  • Charts unexplored star systems, planets, jump-points and other astronomical objects of interests.
  • Maintains an astronomical catalog and compiles (viable source) information on opportunity prospects
  • Establishes diplomatic (first contact) relationships

Assets: [Anvil Carrack x1]

-Scouting Unit
  • Provides confirmation on new opportunities and relays respective information
  • Investigates and develops scientific research opportunities
  • Provides (emergency response solutions) utilitarian aid

Assets: [MISC Freelancer DUR x1]

Resources & Engineering

*Boss: Sail (arbiter of operations)
*Enforcer: LesslieKarma (extraction unit)
*Enforcer: Available (fabrication unit)

-Resource Extraction Unit
  • Establishes (satellite of operation) and maintains real property accordingly
  • Collects (raw/reclaim material) and determines viable length of operation
  • Consolidates (raw/reclaim material) and develops an exchange (transport) network

Assets: [Aegis Reclaimer x2] [MISC Starfarer x1]

-Resource Fabrication Unit
  • Develops and maintains (branch of operation) points between the production processes
  • Engineering refinement of raw/reclaim material to establish (chemical and alloy) manufactured goods
  • Consolidates (manufactured material) and establishes an exchange (trade) network of transship goods

Assets: [RSI Aurora MR x2] [MISC Freelancer x1]

Security & Recovery

*Boss: Cpt Rickroll (arbiter of operations)
*Enforcer: Available (security unit)
*Enforcer: Available (recovery unit)

-Security Unit
  • Develops a regulatory framework for the standardization of infiltration and personnel retrieval
  • Provides viable escorting and security services
  • Establishes and maintains syndicate racing team ++

Assets: [MISC Freelancer MIS x1] [Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet x1] [Aegis Retaliator x1]

-Recovery Unit
  • Develops a regulatory framework for the standardization of property retrieval and or recovery
  • Establishes (extra-vehicular activity) viable repair services
  • Provides (search and rescue) utilitarian aid

Assets: [RSI Constellation Andromeda x1] [Drake Cutlass Blue x2]

Racing Team [NEOC] ++

*Team Leader: Available (pilot/crew manager)
*Team Member: Available (pilot/crew)
*Team Member: Available (pilot/crew)
*Team Member: Available (pilot/crew)
*Team Member: Available (pilot/crew)

Assets: [Origin 890 JUMP x1] [Origin M50 x1] [Karthu-al x1]

Freelancing & Smuggling

  • Syndicate operatives who choose to engage in freelancing and or smuggling activities are operating under their own devices and are solely responsible for any clientele services offered.


New Era Of Corruptions written instrument executed in due form, granting rights, franchises, privileges, exemptions and fees of its operatives and or affiliates.


*Fleet available for private use

[YES – NO CHARTER FEE] – Boss: (Founder) Arbiter = Operative
[YES – MINIMAL CHARTER FEE] – Enforcer: Captain (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[YES – MINIMAL CHARTER FEE] – Enforcer: Lieutenant (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[YES – MINIMAL CHARTER FEE] – Enforcer: Ensign (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[YES – MINIMAL CHARTER FEE] – Specialist: Recruiting/Marketing Agent = Operative
[YES – MINIMAL CHARTER FEE] – Pathfinder = Operative
[YES – EQUITABLE CHARTER FEE] – Corruptor = Operative
[NO] – Warmonger = Affiliation

NOTE: All private fleet charter fees include an initial full reservoir of fuel. A spacecraft ordnance deposit (amount varies depending upon contractual spacecraft charter ordnance loadout agreement) maybe required, which is not included in the private charter fee and is non-refundable.

Equitable fees include a 10% discount
Minimal fees include a 25% discount

*Racing Team [NEOC] sponsorship availability

[YES] – Boss: (Founder) Arbiter = Operative
[YES] – Enforcer: Captain (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[YES] – Enforcer: Lieutenant (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[YES] – Enforcer: Ensign (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[YES] – Specialist: Recruiting/Marketing Agent = Operative
[YES] – Pathfinder = Operative
[YES] – Corruptor = Operative
[NO] – Warmonger = Affiliation

NOTE: UEC allotment is determined by placement and race event significance. To receive sponsorship payout, operatives and or affiliates must be actively representing NEOC during events.

*Discounted (syndicate manufactured) fuel

[50%] – Boss: (Founder) Arbiter = Operative
[30%] – Enforcer: Captain (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[25%] – Enforcer: Lieutenant (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[20%] – Enforcer: Ensign (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[20%] – Specialist: Recruiting/Marketing Agent = Operative
[15%] – Pathfinder = Operative
[10%] – Corruptor = Operative
[5%] – Warmonger = Affiliation

*Discounted (syndicate manufactured) goods

[50%] – Boss: (Founder) Arbiter = Operative
[30%] – Enforcer: Captain (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[25%] – Enforcer: Lieutenant (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[20%] – Enforcer: Ensign (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[20%] – Specialist: Recruiting/Marketing Agent = Operative
[15%] – Pathfinder = Operative
[10%] – Corruptor = Operative
[5%] – Warmonger = Affiliation

NOTE: Discount only applies to fuel and goods purchased directly from the (NEOC) syndicate organization.

*Syndicate Collaborative Operative Remuneration (S.C.O.R.) opportunities

S.C.O.R. LSA and IUA Opportunities
Restricted = Opportunities (LSA and IUA) will remain exclusive to syndicate operatives.
Classified = Opportunities (LSA and IUA) will be shared to affiliations but shall not be divulged to public.
Public = Opportunities (LSA) will be released to the verse.

LSA = Legitimate Sanctioned Activity (Legal)
IUA = Illegitimate Unsanctioned Activity (Illegal)

NOTE: Operatives and or affiliates who are delinquent on syndicate dues will have a mandatory S.C.O.R. kickback retained upon completion of syndicate listed LSA and IUA opportunities.

S.C.O.R. Incentive Opportunities
[25% NET] – Syndicate operatives 25/50/25 = Finder/Worker/Organization
[15% NET] – Syndicate affiliation 15/50/35 = Finder/Worker/Organization

NOTE: Operatives who elect to utilize the S.C.O.R. incentive shall receive 25% of the net revenue as a finder’s fee. Affiliates who elect to utilize the S.C.O.R. incentive shall receive 15% of the net revenue as a finder’s fee.

Operatives and or affiliates who are delinquent on syndicate dues will have a mandatory S.C.O.R. kickback retained upon completion of syndicate LSA and IUA or incentive payout opportunities. Current retained UEC percent is not to exceed 15% (per S.C.O.R. opportunity)

*Syndicate operative and affiliations regular, basic and emergency services

[MINIMAL] – Syndicate operative
[5-20%] – Syndicate affiliation

NOTE: Does not apply to general public clientele. Operatives are not charged for basic and or emergency services rendered to other operatives and shall be charge a minimal agreed upon fee for regular services rendered. Affiliations will not be charged for emergency services rendered, and will receive a 5% discount on all other services rendered for the first year. Each following year (if in good standing) will receive an additional 5% discount, up to a 20% maximum discount for all other services rendered.

Basic services defined as responding to a distress call (non-life threatening) for help.
Emergency services defined as responding to an immediate (life threatening) distress call.

*Syndicate monthly dues

[NO] – Boss: (Founder) Arbiter = Operative
[NO] – Enforcer: Captain (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[NO] – Enforcer: Lieutenant (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[NO] – Enforcer: Ensign (Officer) Executive Agent = Operative
[NO] – Specialist: Recruiting/Marketing Agent = Operative
[YES] – Pathfinder = Operative
[YES] – Corruptor = Operative
[WAIVED] – Warmonger = Affiliation (if providing NEOC with an approved alignment resource)

NOTE: See Directive 3508D
Directive 3508D – Allocating a monthly percentage of earned UEC

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any operative and or affiliation with a [REDACTED] status will result in a void of all syndicate privileges. Affiliation is intended for aligned organizational members. Players who do not belong to a NEOC alignment organization (once the game goes live) shall be remove from the roster if they do not select NEOC as their ‘MAIN’ organization. A player who wishes to remain listed as an affiliate, but does not belong to a NEOC aligned organization, may submitted their preferred organization for alignment; in order to remain on the NEOC roster.


I. Directive 2358 – All operatives and affiliates are to enjoy themselves

II. Directive 2359 – All operatives and affiliates are to be courteous when socializing by:
  • Directive 2359 A – Respecting fellow syndicate operatives and or alliance affiliates within the syndicate ranks
  • Directive 2359 A Section 1 – Syndicate harassment will not be tolerated
  • Directive 2359 A Section 1 part a. If an operative and or affiliate is harassed by a fellow operative and or affiliate, it is to be reported immediately to a syndicate Arbiter (appropriate action will be taken in accordance to the circumstance)
  • Directive 2359 B – Respecting Star Citizen players accordingly
III. Directive 3508 – All operatives and affiliates are expected to contribute to the development and longevity of the syndicate by:
  • Directive 3508 A – Maintaining an active presence within the syndicate
  • Directive 3508 A Section 1 – Operatives and or affiliates who exceed an inactivity period of one cycle (month) will be moved to an inactive status.
  • Directive 3508 A Section 1 part a. Operatives and or affiliates who are in an inactive status longer than six cycles will be removed from the syndicate
  • Directive 3508 B – Assisting fellow operatives and affiliates as needed with assured availability
  • Directive 3508 C – Sharing thoughts, concerns, and ideas directly related to syndicate activity
  • Directive 3508 D – Allocating a monthly percentage of earned UEC (syndicate operatives only)
  • Directive 3508 D Section 1 – Syndicate alliance affiliation dues are to be allocated by the respective organization
IV. Directive 8671 – New applicants are subjected to examination. Upon determination of character and abilities, successful candidates shall receive full syndicate operative rights by:
  • Directive 8671 A – Demonstrating syndicate allegiance
  • Directive 8671 B – Comply with syndicate regulations
  • Directive 8671 C – Serving the minimum term associated with examination
V. Directive 8672 – All operatives are subject to advancement by:
  • Directive 8672 A – Demonstrating leadership qualities
  • Directive 8672 B – Serving the minimum term associated with the operative’s current held rank
  • Directive 8672 C – A formal request
  • Directive 8672 C Section 1 – All formal requests for advancement shall be determined by a syndicate Arbiter
VI. Directive 8673 – All operatives are subject to demotion by:
  • Directive 8673 A – Failure to comply with syndicate regulations
  • Directive 8673 B – Syndicate Inactivity
  • Directive 8673 C – A formal resignation
  • Directive 8673 C Section 1 – All formal resignations shall be determined by a syndicate Arbiter