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NerdCubed's Fleet / NERDCUBED

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

For the fans of the best YouTube channel in the WORLD, OfficialNerdCubed.


20 March 2011

  • OfficialNerdCubed is founded.

6 April 2011

  • A man puts a bin on his head.

8 July 2011

  • NerdCubed encounters the USS Plan B from the future.

14 September 2011

  • The first NerdCubed vessel begins development.

20 October 2011

  • The first NerdCubed vessel is commissioned, registered the HMS HMS.



  • Unknown Anomaly
  • NerdCubed begins life in current reality.

1 February 2942

  • The First NerdCubed Starship is Commissioned under the jurisdiction of the UFP: USS Plan B (namesake), Constitution Class

Notable Vessels 2942-2944

  • 6 September 2942: Notable Vessel Commissioned: USS OMG, Kestrel Class
  • 19 September 2943: Notable Vessel Commissioned: USShawhibuoe
  • 19 December 2943: Notable Vessel Commissioned: USSSSSS, Red-Tail Class
  • 17 January 2944: Notable Vessel Commissioned: USS Livingston, Excalibur Class
  • 20 April 2944: Notable Vessel Commissioned: USS Bread, Kestrel Class
  • 16 September 2944: Notable Vessel Commissioned: USS UKIP, Torus Class

4 December 2946

  • Notable Vessel Commissioned: USS Overture, Avenger Class

7 February 2947 (Stardate 94706.44)

  • The NerdCubed Fleet is founded under the jurisdiction of the UFP.

December 2946 – February 2950 Notable Vessels in Service:

  • USS Sasha, Constitution Class
  • USS Black NCC-92598, Arbiter Class
  • 26 December 2946: USS Chaos NX-122616, Vengeance Class
  • 10 March 2947: USS Excision NX-100317-J, Universe Class
  • 18 June 2947: USS SSU, Kestrel Class
  • 10 August 2949: USS Twitch Chat, Kestrel Class
    • Notable Crewmember – Captain Captain (Senti)
  • 14 February 2950: USS Self Discovery NCC-140220-B, Crossfield Class
  • 14 February 2950: USS CHONK NCC-140220-C, Intrepid Class
  • 14 February 2950: USS Lucky NCC-140220-D, Columbia Class
  • 14 February 2950: USS King George NCC-140220-E, Constitution Class
  • 14 February 2950: USS Nellore NCC-140220-H, Galaxy Class
  • 14 February 2950: USS Hardlight NCC-140220-G, Odyssey Class

27 November 2095

  • NerdCubed’s Fleet expands into its own jurisdiction, with the intention of continuing its mission of exploration.
  • The first vessel under NerdCubed’s Fleet is commissioned: [REDACTED], Endeavor Class


We’re here to explore strange new worlds…To seek out new life; new civilizations…To boldly crash into things no one has crashed into before.

All NerdCubed Registered Vessels will be marked under the NerdCubed Ship (NCS) registration prefix.


NerdCubed’s Fleet is a group of citizens from all occupations that rally under the banner of NerdCubed and associates when called. We maintain a focus on law-abiding scientific exploration but accept any and all peoples willing to fall under the NerdCubed banner.

Mission Focus

-Scientific Research