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  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Welcome to NewRay our org is A tight group of family and friends exploring the vast expanse


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A long time ago i was stuck on a little blue dot. Me and my brother where trying to get of it,
we compelled most of our friends and family to step into The Artemis.
But when we stepped on board the last one on board was me, and somehow my seat was gone.
So wat now …pull every one of and make a scene or do i try to fix the mistake?
Of course trying to make A mistake right is not what happened, no the same reason we had
to leave this place keeps me here and now they don’t know where i am and i will never see them again.

Technology progressing makes it possible to follow my family.
Times need to change i can’t just give in to pain. I need to make
my own dreams to come true. its not going to be easy, not easy
or not stop giving in and stay focused.

To get my zeus I started a group of people helping one and other.
Helping people around us growing into newray that’s when
i finally made it… made it of the little blue dot.

Then it happened again I did it I was where i wanted to be close with me new family,
but one by one they came and left, seeing them die reminded me of my brother and mother,
deppresion setting feelings like reality it self is crumbling around me.
Where are they, did they make it? No I can’t give in, i need to find them however long it takes.

A long time past. Its funny how the only thing that make you feel the way we do is your brain.
Reality is not an easy concept to understand, it still gives me the chills. More than the
vast expanse of space. I love it out here, free to help the people that need it and blowing some
bad mannered ships out of the sky.. ha “sky” funny how our first times on the plane
of consciousness are still one of the strongest memories in me mind,
i have not seen the sky voor too many years flying with me crow through space.


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When we are all together we will have fun,and try to survive the hostility in the verse.
helping people that need it, and maybe gain something in the process.
Exploring the mysteries of the verse and Story of planets.
But first I will need to find them.


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Have Fun
Don’t be A brat

Loosely code of conduct tape

respect artifact’s in the verse.
If you help someone size the return,
to what they have and are in live.
have fun don’t let things get to you.
if you hurt, don’t run, talk it out.
people are different, try to understand.