Nex Atrox / NEXATROX

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

History is written by the victor.

NXAX is an Oceanic gaming community focused on using military derived strategy and structure.


History is written every day


Star Citizen Goals

  • Establish a versatile Organisation that gains the respect and recognition of the community.
  • Promote our ideals of teamwork, mateship and structure.
  • Prove our great coordination and teamwork across our fleet.
  • Build our merchant corps into a financial juggernaut.

Diplomacy Aims

  • Create an network of business contacts with like minded Organisations.
  • Showcase our skills and dedication to new clients.
  • Build a solid community that attracts Organisations for mutual gains.

Membership Aims

  • Develop skills to compete with other Organisations for the top spot in space.
  • Enable our members to work together like a well oiled machine.
  • Create a large, self sufficient fleet that is capable in all areas.



NXAX works as a well oiled machine, every person has their job and we all work for the same goal. We require communication using our military based ranking system to allow our members to conduct their roles efficiently. Training together lets us build up a level of camaraderie between our teams, this ensures that we all have trust each other.


NXAX’s officers are veteran gamers and skilled leaders, they have been recognised by the community as the best we have. They can only do their job when they have the respect and dedication of those they command. Every member is expected to exhibit a level of discipline when in NXAX, and follow the orders they are issued to the letter.

Personal Growth

By putting in hard work to make improvements on an individual level and attending the events and the training the NXAX hosts regularly, each member can make changes and grow in skill alongside their team mates. To do so requires the dedication and drive to try new things while making improvements to skills we already possess.