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Nation of Independent Guerrillas / NIG

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The Nation of Independent Guerrillas is an independent group of military pilots. Operating primarily as a security force for hire, they participate in pretty much anything that brings in a profit. They don’t answer to any higher authority, only themselves.


It began with a rag-tag group of mercenaries, freelancers, smugglers, and former UEE personnel that had become disillusioned with the UEE and its politics and bureaucracy, and wished for independence.

So, they built a colony in a remote, uninhabited system. However, without the protection of proper system police or naval units, the colony was quickly besieged by raiders and pirates, eventually being completely destroyed and looted.

The survivors ended up fleeing from system to system, attacking outposts of the enemies that had attacked them and vanishing into deep space, usually attacking, looting, and escaping with no warning or communication, leaving their targets confused and not even sure who had attacked them – or why – other than the fact that they seemed intent on preventing their expansion.

This resulted with them known only as “the guerrillas” by the locals. They adopted the title, and eventually reformed as the militarized organization called The Nation of Independent Guerrillas. While it still sought its original goal of true independence, the Nation of Independent Guerrillas publicly operated as a PMC, working as security, bounty hunters and guns for hire, providing combat experience for its forces, as well as revenue to expand its arsenal in order to protect its interests.

The Nation of Independent Guerrillas still persists as a PMC, having now adopted it as their way of life. Among its recruits, surviving your first combat operation is seen as a rite of passage, and experienced combatants are well-respected in their society.


The Nation of Independent Guerrillas is a non-political organization, a refuge for those who wish to live as truly free and independent individuals.

It has adopted a militarized society, providing military training, experience and discipline to all of its members in an attempt to become a nation based on military meritocracy, where individuals are valued depending purely on their actions and merits, not the circumstances of their birth, wealth, or position in society. All are welcome, provided they work to benefit themselves and the organization. Members usually have a military background, and ones that don’t are provided with military training. Discipline is strictly enforced while on the job. Otherwise, members are encouraged to speak openly and freely, and have complete freedom of speech.

Members of the Nation of Independent Guerrillas tend to be very direct with their opinions and ideas, and are encouraged to argue their points openly. Dissenting ideas and claims are never punished as long as they brought out into the open. Being direct and honest (sometimes even brutally so) is considered a positive attribute amongst members. As a result, members are sometimes seen as brash by members of other organizations, but they generally mean well and are known for their grim sense of humor. They’re known for being almost impossible to offend, with the only subject that tends to actually rub them the wrong way being the destruction of their old colony.


The rules for a member of the Nation of Independent Guerrillas are simple.

1: Any actions you take must not harm other members or the organization as a whole.

2: Any action is permissible, as long as it benefits the organization. Our main goal to expand our military force, and for that we need money. recruits, and ships.

3: Speak freely. If you have a problem, speak up. You will never be punished for expressing your opinion or providing suggestions. Honesty will be rewarded.

4: Learn to tell the difference between dickish behavior and genuine criticism, and learn how to react accordingly.

5: While this isn’t a purely roleplay group, we still occasionally enjoy it and welcome good roleplayers.

The ranking system:

Cadet: The first rank, for newbies. For unproven recruits. Until you pass this rank, you have yet to prove yourself.

Citizen: A proven pilot that has survived their first combat mission. Accepted as a full member of the organization and a citizen of the Nation of Independent Guerrillas.

Veteran: An experienced pilot who has earned the title of Veteran though numerous successful missions. Well respected amongst their peers.

Elite: The best of the best. This rank isn’t really considered a step on the way to a command rank, since someone with the skills and trust to lead might not have the direct combat skills to earn the elite rank and end up skipping it entirely. What this means is that the Elite rank is an exclusive tag reserved for the truly gifted combatants. When a Squad Leader or Commander isn’t present, lower-ranked members will usually defer to the Elites.

Squad Leader: This is where things get serious. Becoming a Squad Leader comes with serious responsibilities. These are people who have the unique skills and confidence needed to lead. They will be responsible for their team, the mission, and act as proper representatives of the organization.

Commander: The highest rank, reserved for the most trusted members only. Most will never even come close to attaining it. Commanders are trusted with complete authority over other members, as well as access to the best equipment and hardware available, up to and including their own capital vessels. Commanders will manage entire fleets, while Squad Leaders manage their various squads within that fleet. Becoming a commander requires you to be extremely well trusted, to have the confidence and assertiveness to lead, and to have the pure force of will required to keep the troops confident in their leadership. A Commander can never risk showing anything that could be seen as a sign of weakness. As a result, Commanders tend to be extremely intimidating.