National Institute of Mental Health / NIMH

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Beware the R.A.T.S. of N.I.M.H.

Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.


Please see the NIMH Manifesto.

Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate history soon.


The National Institute of Mental Health

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) exists to provide for its members. Whether you’re a hard-core space sim fanatic or a casual gamer, we think that an organization should exist for the good of its members, not the other way around. A game should not become a job forced on the player. There will be no mandatory ops or Call-to-Arms. At NIMH we want to create an environment that encourages the enjoyment of all aspects of Star Citizen, though RP may be difficult as it will not be enforced on other members.

We believe that an organization’s reputation is important. If an agreement is struck, it should be honored. Members that do not honor their agreements will be ejected from the organization. Members that aggress fellow NIMH employees with malicious intent will be made Kill-On-Sight to the corporation.

  • Hiring Goals:
    NIMH seeks to employee mature members with a desire to cooperate and have fun.
  • Employee Consideration:
    NIMH is interested in potential candidates that are honorable, relatively mature, and willing to work together. Age, sex, religion, etc. are not a factor for employment. Respecting other members is. Discrimination will not be tolerated. We seek to enjoy Star Citizen, not turn it into another job or a soap opera.
  • Employee Benefits:
    As we do not yet know the mechanics of Star Citizen it is difficult to announce benefits with any certainty. However, we would like to implement a ship replacement policy to supplement insurance if it is feasible.
    Separate from the game mechanics, we seek to offer the following:
    » A place to relax and have fun.
    » The backing of other NIMH employees in all aspects of SC whether it be combat, industry, or other endeavors.
    » Input into the development/direction of the organization.
    » Reliable communications via TeamSpeak.
  • NIMH Operational Goals:
    NIMH seeks to offer an environment where members can come together to enjoy SC and one another’s company. We will attempt to avoid in-game politics, NAP chains, and drama. We wish to provide a relaxed environment where members are free to play as they see fit within certain constraints. Those are:
    » Honor all agreements made with external entities.
    » Aide in the protection of fellow NIMH employees when possible.
    » Avoid abuse of exploits and/or cheats.

While our primary focus will be Exploration, NIMH does not intend to impose limitations on its employees other than the above mentioned constraints. If members wish to engage in other aspects of the game, they may do so at their discretion. We only ask that you consider the possible effects of your actions on other members of NIMH, i.e. – starting a war would be ill-advised.

The leadership does not intend to use the corporation as a means of financial gain. Any profits made by the organization will be directed toward employee benefits and any (hopefully minimal) operational costs.


Please see the NIMH Manifesto.

Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate history soon.