=Artemis_Rising= / NODES

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  • Infiltration
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The Organization plans on utilizing EM & EMP warfare to take down large Alien race prey by disabling instead of destroying cargo laden ships to earn more $$ in a cooperative wolfpack style. We are the Industrial Pirate Org. dedicated to owning a Master NODE crafting & Production Complex A.S.A.P.


“History is what we throw our Enemies into the ash heap of” =Mr_Ish=

www.starcitizenuniverse.net – We are =Artemis_Rising= and “We Own the NODES; literally! (Type NODES in Org. search) Dogfighting – Aerial: The majority of the Organization plans on utilizing EM & EMP warfare to take down large Alien race prey by disabling instead of destroying cargo laden ships to earn more $$ in a cooperative wolfpack style. Founded on the backbone of Retaliator Wings, we’ve grown to add Sentinals & Mantis’ to enable Quantum Interdiction followed by EMP Bubbles to hold the ships still, giving the ‘Tali’s time to EM Torp them, followed by Tractor Beams, Boarding, FPS Combat, Cargo Stealing and finally Ship Reclaiming. Our larger ships, Eclipse, Polaris, Corvette & Javelin ensure we can sling any torpedo the game has. The Pioneers mean we can move our outpost / complex from planet to planet with efficiencies.

We are the Industrial Pirate Organization dedicated to owning all 14 main NODE types as well as a Master NODE crafting & production complex as soon as the game allows. In =Star_Citizen= you have two choices, you can make money any way you want and walk up to a store (re-seller NODE) and buy what you want at retail prices or you can craft & produce anything in game yourself. THAT’S WHAT WE’RE ALL ABOUT! By joining together through joint ownership and committing to the Industrialist capacities of =SC= gameplay by creating a master NODE complex complete with factories, refineries, Production NODES, etc… we will grow & prosper because we want ALL of us to succeed! It was Chris Roberts who said “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE NODES!” Please review the video below from Chris, then stop by our teamspeak that can hold up to 300 players online and let us answer your questions.

We are part of the conversation with CIG Austin as to how the term “Joint Ownership” will ultimately work in Star Citizen and how an Org. who wants to create a Master Crafting/Production Complex can succeed for ALL it’s members! We share a common desire to defend this fixed point in space and our assets, offer discounts to Org. Members and foster loyalty and strength by our actions. Remember in =Star_Citizen= you can join up to 10 Org’s with 1 as your Main; so Org. Leaders across the ‘Verse will have to earn your loyalty every day. We will earn it by helping you succeed and offering the ability to Craft, Produce, Repair, Refine, Grow, Harvest, Entertain, Transport & Train whatever YOU desire. We want you to enjoy playing =Star_Citizen= any way you want to with the gaming time you have and rest assured that we have your back as far as training and offering detailed answers to any game mechanics questions you have. We have the ships & tactical assets to inflict pain with overwhelming surgical precision when we strike together with our Capital, Nuclear, EM/EMP, Anti-matter, & Bulkhead Buster Torpedos, Fighter, Science, Medical, Repair, Fuel & Reclaiming arsenal

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/StarCitizenPTU

Website & TS3: www.starcitizenuniverse.net

Guilded.GG https://www.guilded.gg/i/RkrqxyZ2


