The Society / NOID

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

This is the Society.

You don´t know us. You´ve never seen us. But we are there. Everywhere.

01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01010011 01101111 01100011 01101001 01100101 01110100 01111001

»Wanna know more? »»»


“The Society” is an organisation which was appearing 70 years ago for the first time. Meanwhile a kind of scheme is identifiable. The government supposes that the society is more a network. They seem to have members coming from all social classes, from the simple worker up to the CEO’s of small to big enterprises with much influence in the economy, the judiciary, legislative and executive branches. It is to expect that they have already infiltrated the own rows, the inner circle of the administration of the UEE. All of these people once ran into problems which they neither could talk about nor solve on their own after which they became part of the organisation themselves.


The Society is solving problems. We find whats lost. We deliver where nobody can go. We protect those who need cover. We get those who don´t want to be found. We strengthen positions and weaken others. We wipe the slate clean where it is necessary and we have the power to make possible what was impossible ever since. All for one and one for all.

This is the Society.


The Agenda:

The Society is a “Network” with only a small core crew – Members are specialists in their professions and get activated on Demand – all for one and one for all – We are independent, don’t belong to any multi-Gaming-Clan but grow with the content of the game and make our own rules – How big your role in the organisation will be is up to you-. The sky aint the limit – it’s only the beginning.

While the alpha phase/pre release phase is ongoing:

-We will accept member requests so feel free to apply.
-Let us know your intentions why you want to become part of the network, what and how you will contribute to The Society and what you want to achieve with and within the organisation and we’ll be happy to hear from you.
-We contact every applicant in spectrum – be ready for our feedback and bring some time so we can have a little chat