• Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Piracy

N.O.M.A.D.S is a free and open collective. We gather by choice, cooperate by choice, and are free to do as we please in the ‘verse.

Learn more at http://nomadsorg.com/


At the end of the 24th century, humanity began to expand into the stars. The governments of Earth slowly consolidated their authority into a single, monolithic governing entity: The United Nations of Earth.

The colonies immediately began to petition for reform, rebel, and resist a government they felt didn’t represent them.

At the dawn of the 27th century, Ivar Messer dissolved the United Planets of Earth and formed the United Empire of Earth, anointing himself Imperator.

On May 3, 2792, Imperator Linton Messer the 11th was overthrown.

As it was in the past, so will it be in the future.


The N.O.M.A.D.S know that the history of man is plagued by endless cycles of repression, rebellion, and strife.

We seek to exist outside the loop of violence, to be an oasis in the tempest, to pass through the spacedust whole.

We accept everyone, and ask nothing from them, save one thing: Never harm another Nomad.


How you play Star Citizen, is entirely up to you.

The only law that Nomads respect: Cause no Harm to Other N.O.M.A.D.S.

The only penalty for breaking The Law is exile.

Read our up-to-date charter here.