• Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Transport

NORDLICHT AVIATION – indulge yourself in transit…
Space is vast and live is short. At Nordlicht Aviation we believe in the value of every moment. YOU got a Destination? WE will get you there – safely,reliably and quickly. But on top we will make sure the journey is it’s own reward.
Fly Nordlicht.


2532 Dean Winters founds Nordlicht Aviation as an orbital airline on earth
2538 NORAV gets a license for extraorbital transport
2589 Rahja Winters (Dean’s granddaughter) becomes CEO
2608 after promoting protevarin activists Rahja Winters is arrested and NORAV is shut down by the authorities. All property is confiscated.
2925 Friedrich Winters (a bq. decorated UEE Navy Scout and long-time spaceline captain) re-founded the family enterprise
2927 First 100% company ship is a Carrack named N.A.S. FROST
2928 first government contracts for deep space exploration.
2939 NORAV leases a Starliner and exspands into passenger transport.
2942 Winters makes his first appearance in the Murray Cup
2944 NORAV orders a 890jump making luxury travelling their core business
2945 NORAV Racing Team gets a M50 (N.A.S. Flake) to complement the 350R (N.A.S. Shadowfax)
2947 NORAV leases a Starfarer “Beluga” and orders a Cutlass Black “N.A.S. Enok” to start up cargo operations around Crusader.
2948 NORAV moves its Headquarters from Ellis to Microtech and makes Staton the center of company operations
2949 NORAV the 890jump “Nordlicht Eins” has finally finished customization and fully enter daily operations


NORDLICHT AVIATION – indulge yourself in transit.
We focus on luxury deep space travel and exploration. Professionalism, reliability and safety are core values at NORAV. While we offer top quality services we try make them available at reasonable rates for everyone.
NORAV has a racing team and will take part in major racing events including the Murray Cup.
NORAV is currently expanding and looking for qualified staff who share our enthusiasm towards space travel. Free positions include pilots, security, service and management.


All Staff must comply with UEE law.
All employees should represent our company in a appropriate way at all times.

…and have fun together.