Nova Fleet / NOVAFLEET

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Resources


If You Are Looking For Life Long Friends And Share A Love Of Exploring, Profits, Fighting, Advancing Technology While Having Fun Then You Should Read On.

Always Exploring Forward To Defined What Is Behind Us


  • Update 03/09/2021 S.C. Fleet age 2593
    XO Grandmarshall [Nova] Sid Call sign ArchAngel today I will implement new NOVA FLEET Branches in efforts to give us a better understanding of what NOVA FLEET has to offer to our recruits and new memebers

The sword and shield of NOVA FLEET tasked with the protection of all the members and assets of
NOVA FLEET and allies. They are our first and last line of defense and their duties can be compared to those of
a country’s military force: to protect and uphold the law in times of peace and to crush the
enemies of NOVA FLEET and allies when called upon by High Command.

NOVA FLEET Prime is the financial lung of NOVA where every industrial activity has its place and every
entrepreneur finds a home. The strength of having a branch dedicated to the industry is the ability
to combine any and all its facets to increase the overall productivity of NOVA FLEET and allies.

NOVA FLEET Frontiers
It takes a strong will to risk everything for the chance to experience something truly special, to
see the beauty in stark otherworldly vistas previously unseen by human eyes. NOVA FLEET Frontier’s
goal is to explore the verse in search of useful data and locations for NOVA FLEET and their allies.

NOVA FLEET Relief is a branch where helping each other and making a better place out of the verse is
the main objective. This can cover from the obvious medical gameplay to support our
organization to engaging in large-scale humanitarian campaigns or rescuing stranded Citizens
lost in our vast galaxy.

  • Update 11/30/2020 S.C. Fleet age 2494

XO Grandmarshall [Nova] Sid call sign ArchAngel I will be updating Nova Fleets ship list so that we are better prepared for what is to come and the future of our Fleet and our future allies. I will also be reaching out to other fleets for possible allies I will compile a list of the fleets that look promising as future allies and put it to a vote on which ones I should pursue. As Star Citizen gets ever closer to beta I will encourage you all to go take a look at all the updates and get a feel for all your ships as you can better set up your system and if your using flight sticks or not and so on. Big news for our fleet in addition to the Hammerhead will be having the new RSI Perseus as well so our fleet has just gotten a little bit bigger and more of a target and formable for other fleets outsize and bigger. Keep Pushing Forward NOVA FLEET Always Exploring Froward to Defend What Is Behind!

  • Update 05/08/2020 S.C. Fleet age 2288

Xo Grandmarshall [Nova] Sid call sign ArchAngel will be upload new Videos and updating the sight in the next few weeks recruitment will start to pick back up as well by looking for new blood. Also, Welcome Dave13X and AMZ as new members Welcome to Nova Fleet

  • Update 07/28/2019 S.C. Fleet Age 2003

XO Grand Marshall [Nova] Sid call sign (ArchAngel) updated profile by adding a video.

  • Update 10/26/2018 S.C. Fleet Age 1729
XO Grand Marshal [Nova]Sid Call sign (Archangel) updated the Charter and welcomes to the fleet [Nova] GabeIBP call sign (Archmalthael) and [Nova]BustyBurger call sign (BoogerMuffin) Welcome to NOVA FLEET!
  • Update 8/20//2018 S.C. Fleet Age 1662

*XO [Nova]Sid (Archangel) Updated the Manifesto and given a timeline for the charter chart also updated symbol and Nova Fleet pictures.

  • Update: 8/8/2018 S.C. Fleet Age: 1652

*Although not much has happened here with Nova Fleet, in recent history, we have always remained. We have brought in some more friends, and core members to the fold. As we look forward to Nova Fleet to a new home, a new place we can find for us to fulfill our dreams of living in the unknown, of space.

We are revisiting Star Citizen in more force as a whole for each other to come together. To expand on our futures we focus on what is here for us now, and hope for the best of progress.

I myself had a loss of direction, however, in recent events and deep talks with my X.O. Sid (ArchAngelIBP). He in his best intentions and amazing leadership has helped to refocus my own mind and leadership abilities. A new flame was kindled of recent with his help and the direction Nova Fleet will be taking again, on the road of greatness. A road Nova Fleet has not been on for several years has been found again, though it will still take some time, future paths are being set. We have a future again, all of us, I tend to do bring my best of myself for you all. I also am a father now and will be bringing the best to my family as well.

I once told someone I care, I always care. That has and will always remain no matter what happens, even if it hurts with what I have to do.

Moral of this little insight and story is simple and known, Don’t judge a book by its cover,
And don’t miss judge Nova Fleet, We have always been strong and we will be more, together.

Let’s not forget the most important thing, out of everything, is each other.


  • Updated: 3/24/15 S.C. Fleet Age: 416
  • XPLOR RSI Forum Link:
  • Added Fleet Age on RSI to HISTORY.
  • Updated: 3/23/2015 S.C. Fleet Age: 415
  • At 5:15 P.M. C.S.T. Nova Fleet has Officially become affiliates with XPLOR.


  • Updated: 3/19/2015 S.C. Fleet Age: 411
  • Visual Appearance Updated. Special Thanks to Sid Hodges for the sweet shopped pics!


ABOUT Nova Fleet
Self sustained supply and combat
Exploration (Finding Jumps, Systems, Derelict Ships, Alien Tech, the Unknown)
First Contact with new races.

24/7/365 With members from all continents

NOVA FLEET is a highly professional self sustained Fleet primarily focused on exploring, finding new exciting things that have been hidden for millennia, finding abandoned alien ships, new jump points, new systems, supporting our allies in there times of need and things we don’t even know exist…

We aim to be self sustained and well protected. While deep space is a dangerous place, NOVA FLEET is well prepared for the dangers to come. With our allies at our side there will be nothing that we can not accomplish.

The distinguishing feature of this well constructed Fleet is its closeness and ability to rely on each other to work as one. *NOVA FLEET is considered to be one of the best equipped Fleets for its small size, because we fully utilizes the advanced derelict technology we find and salvage to enrich our capabilities.

Pilot Briefing:
You will go where no one has gone before and find things no one seen before you. You will be a part of the best prepared and well equipped small Fleets the UEE has to offer.

NOVA FLEET: is where you will find not only a great fleet but friends for life, and you can expect to have much needed resources and information about the best technology out there, and maybe even a few cool ships.

  • Scan.
  • Explore.
  • Share.
  • Help.
  • Test.

Once the beta is out we will start working as a team and start using our best practices to ensure we are the best exploration force in the beta.


What Is In it For Me?

  • AN AWESOME TEAM: We are building an amazing team, so its great fleet to begin with, and mechanisms will be put into place to help create and maintain a strong and cohesive unit.
  • THE BEST EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE: Long range scanners, top of the line weapons, you name it we will have it well before anyone else even knows it exists!
  • SAFETY AND FUN: Uninterrupted exploration and fun! Don’t worry about running out of fuel or supplies, or about being attacked by pirates. Nova Fleet takes care of its own.
  • BALANCED PROFITS: We use a sharing model that incentives activity:
  • EXPLORATION: The member who discovers gets 90% of the reward,10% goes to the Nova Fleet as a whole. This makes sure that no one is losing money or getting frustrated by not finding anything.
  • FIGHTERS: Any loot from destroyed ships and a share of the aforementioned 5%of that will go to Nova Fleet.
  • IMPORT: Will sell commodities and ammo to Nova Fleet members at preferred lower pricing.
  • EXPORT: Will be facilitated by Nova Fleet logistics in deep space, to avoid having to travel all the way back to official markets, and Nova Fleet will share profit in an equitable way.
    We reward hard work and share our success, which in turn expands our range and increases our opportunities.

Command Structure: Nova Fleet is not your typical organization. We are a Sergeant community, which means that aside from Unit Command, every member can do and become all that they can be.

Do you want to play casually 1 hour a day or 3 hours a week? Awesome! We will make sure it will be fun and rewarding. Do you want to develop a new-probably-won’t-work-but-its-so-genius-it-might scanning method? Go for it!

That being said, Nova Fleet has a clear Command structure:

Grand Admiral (CO), Grand Marshal (XO), Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral (Counsel Members), Director, Captain, Commander, LT Commander, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Ensign, Master Chief Petty Officer ,Senior Chief Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Petty Officer, Leading Starman, Starman.

However, all members are a team who work together to cover more space with the advanced means we have. Tasks of Command will be to allocate resources and maintain a reliable supply chain to support the effort. Basically it’s less of a “do this do that” command, but more of a “you can expand to these areas which one do you want to do command” the divisions we have are listed below.

  • Development Division : Exploration/Science/Research
  • Industry Division : Mining/Refining/Salvage/Manufacturing
  • Commerce Division : Business/Finance
  • Logistics Division : Transport/Refuel/Supply
  • Security Division : Fleet Security, Mobile Infantry
  • Intelligence Division : Info Management (storage.processing.transport), [Redacted], …
  • Support Division : Medical, SAR, Repair(edited)

Key factor here is Supply and Protection, so we will make sure not to stretch too thin and that in each system we have all the resources we need to work without fear of enemy threats. All members will be trained in Command functions, and those who have time and wish to assist in Command on a daily basis will be appreciated.