• PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Exploration

Your Problems. Our Solutions.


NOVASOL is the second iteration of a Terra startup company, Terra Nova Solutions, which provided security and logistics for select clientele.

Originally established in 2942 by current CEO Dorian Graves and a former UEE Marine partner, the initial corporate enterprise gained the backing of a few low profile investors and moved offices to the emergent trade center of Terra III. Away from the saturated market of Earth, the corporation expanded its activities and began hiring various specialists from all walks of life.

Though small in size, NOVASOL has a brief but respectable history of proving itself in the eyes of its select clientele and coming through with its contracts.

The corporation’s only public blemish was a libelous report by “The Blue Globe” media organization where it was purportedly included in alleged leaked documents indicative of tax evasion. Some say that this was one of the reasons that the company moved its headquarters, while others claim that it was a funded report composed by SMEs of the same sector who felt threatened by NOVASOL’s rapid expansion.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Employment within the corporation comes with responsibilities, in return for the benefits enjoyed by our members. We expect certain standards from those who choose to be part of NOVASOL.

Company rules are expected to be adhered to by all employees and subsidiaries. Failure to do so may result in Demotion or Severance Without Pay due to breach of contract, depending on the severity of each individual case.

1. Activity Requirements

  • The amount of time you invest in playing Star Citizen and partaking in guild activities is up to you. However, if you will be unable to play for a significant duration of time please inform us to avoid activity confusion.

2. Conduct

  • None of us are infallible, nor does anyone expect you to be on your best behaviour at all times, or share everyone else’s sense of humour or propriety. If conflict arises, we expect each and every member, from top to bottom, to be mature, reasonable and avoid drama. Assuming responsibility if you are found to be in the wrong, and apologies with true conciliatory sentiment are appreciated by all. In essence, do unto others what you would want others to do unto you.
  • There are certain contentious issues on which personal taste or views may differ greatly between members. Respect diversity and common sense. Gossiping, spreading false rumours, and the creation of drama will be met with swift and decisive executive action including removal from the corporation.

3. Roleplaying

The age-old mantra applies here: IC Actions Have IC Consequences. Quality roleplay means taking responsibility for your character’s actions and have them impact said character as expected. Don’t get your character into situations if you are not willing to accept the possible consequences. Heroism has its risks. Metagaming also has its consequences. Do not get OOC and IC mixed up. If your character has a scuffle with another, you can still laugh about it with them on TeamSpeak afterwards. If your character has an in-character relationship with someone else, don’t expect them to suddenly turn into your real-life mate. Distinguish OOC from IC, and remember, we all play a game to have fun and we roleplay to create stories for ourselves and others.

4. Follow the Canon

As freeform as we might be, we stay based on the Lore of the Star Citizen Verse. The Loremaker has worked tirelessly to provide us with a huge amount of information and background which we can use. We might be able to fill in the “blanks” with our own stories, but saying that your father is Dread Pirate Roberts or that you are the Emperor’s illegitimate child is not the way to gain respect. Simple is beautiful. Use common sense.