• Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Resources

Nordlicht – Light the way


In the year 2954, on the 23rd of July, the Founders of NORDLICHT came together with a singular purpose: to create a sanctuary within the vast expanse of the verse, where every individual could find meaning and purpose.


NORDLICHT is an organization that strives for excellence while fostering a sense of belonging among its members. We offer a wide variety of gameplay loops and content, ensuring that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

We seek engaged players who are eager for more—those who desire to be part of a growing organization and are committed to helping the organization and their fellow comrades achieve their goals.

What We Offer:

  1. Mutual respect to everyone, member, ally, or rival. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.
  2. A rigid structure, and progression within.
  3. Opportunities to work together with a community.
  4. Many different roles within the organization, covering many of the gameplay loops in the verse.
  5. Operations, and events hosted by members of the org, for members of the org.

How to Join:

  • To Apply, join our Discord and follow instructions in the “Welcome” channel.


Mission Statement:

NORDLICHT’s mission is to establish a dedicated and organized group within Star Citizen that strives to be among the best, while ensuring that members have fun. We aim to create a prosperous and secure presence, enabling members to engage in a variety of roles, from exploration and mining, to military operations and scientific research. By fostering teamwork and providing comprehensive training and support, we ensure that all members can contribute meaningfully to the organization’s growth and success, while enjoying their time in the universe.

Overarching Goal:

The overarching goal of NORDLICHT is to create a prosperous and secure presence in Star Citizen, ensuring that all members have a fulfilling and engaging experience while contributing to the organization’s growth and success. This includes:

  1. Industry: Establishing a beneficial location for a prosperous economy, enabling access to a variety of materials for explorers, miners, transporters, and military protection.
  2. Tactical: Building a superior military force through comprehensive training programs for specific ships, scenarios, and professions.
  3. Science: Advancing medical, research, and exploration efforts to uncover new frontiers, develop cutting-edge technologies, and ensure the health and well-being of all members of the ORG.
  4. Overall Collaboration: Promoting teamwork and cooperation among the members, and divisions of NORDLICHT to achieve common goals and overcome obstacles, in Industry ventures, Military operations, and Scientific pursuit.

NORDLICHT aims to build a strong foundation and continuously grow with the contributions of its members.

How to Join:

  • To Apply, join our Discord and follow instructions in the “Welcome” channel.



It is important to remember that your decisions and actions reflect not only upon yourself but also upon those around you. These rules, guidelines, and expectations benefit each individual member as well as NORDLICHT as a whole. They ensure that we represent both ourselves and our colleagues in a manner befitting an elite, coordinated, and organized group. It is the responsibility of each member to follow the expectations set forth as follows.

General Org Rules

  1. 18+ is our age requirement.
  2. You need to join NORDLICHT on the RSI website, before you may be listed as anything other than a guest.
    • You can have affiliations with other ORG’s
    • You can not have or be affiliated with any pirate ORG’s, or ORG’s deemed rivals of NORDLICHT.
  3. The moment you want to take up a position as an officer in NORDLICHT, you need to have NORDLICHT listed as your main ORG on the RSI website.
  4. Respect and Maturity is expected of each and every member at every level of the organization. To each other, our guests, and to the external community.
  5. Honesty, Integrity, and Trust form our foundation. Dishonest behavior, lies, or misrepresentation will carry heavy consequences and will not be tolerated.
  6. Issues and concerns regarding NORDLICHT decisions, members, and allies must be brought to the attention of a Human Resources representative privately. Members should avoid public confrontations and internal arguments at all costs.
  7. Members are expected to maintain the privacy of information related to the org, and its members by not discussing said information privately or in publicly available mediums. This includes but is not limited to: In game comms, Spectrum, and Discord.
  8. Researching or releasing information on a person’s IRL identity is against TOS, and will not be tolerated. This includes DDoS and DOXXing.
    No real world politics, members of this org come from all around the world. Please respect that.

How to Join:

  • To Apply, join our Discord and follow instructions in the “Welcome” channel.