Nyx Technology & Construction / NTC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Transport

The Nassau Trading Company is Crafting and Building Organization. We are an affiliation of individuals, bound together for the purpose of mutual protection, crafting efficiency and profit.

Check our History, Manifesto, and Charter for details on why you should join us.


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Since the dawn of time, there has been a need to sell or buy goods, both those obtained legally, and those “found” less than legally. Commerce is the life blood of the Verse. It doesn’t matter how the cargo was obtained, someone has to buy it, in order for you to make a profit.

The Nassau Trading Company (NTC) was established in 2247, when space travel had moved from the realm of governments, to commercial and even private entities. Stanton Guthrie, an entrepreneur and history buff named the company for the island on Earth that had been used as a stronghold, and trading post for pirates in the 17th & 18th centuries.

Stanton always claimed in interviews that he was a distant, but direct descendent of Eleanor Guthrie, daughter of the 18th century Colonial Governor in Nassau, and Proprietor of a saloon that had a lucrative side business in buying plundered cargo from the local pirates, and then reselling that cargo at a profit in the American Colonies.

Guthrie always took immaculate pride in being the model of a sterling citizen, giving massive amounts to charities of all types, and always being the first to help those in need. When asked how he could reconcile his philanthropy with his business dealings, which by this time had made him one of the wealthiest men in the system, he would chuckle and state that he was simply carrying on the family business.

When famously accused of being a Black Marketeer by one socialite, his reply became the second most famous quote attributed to him.

“We’re not in the Black Market. It’s…more of a Gray Market.”

This was followed closely by his most famous quote, which became the company’s motto; “Trade always goes in both directions.

From a small company existing on the fringes of society, NTC has grown and prospered as the Frontier has expanded, first to the outer Sol system, then to the stars. What started as a supplier of merchandise, had expanded to become one of the largest shipping companies in the known Verse. If you need something, from the smallest package, to the largest industrial equipment, to be shipped, NTC will get it there on time, for an affordable price.

No system is off limits to our pickup or delivery.

Nassau Trading Company has always had the reputation of being an honorable trading partner in a disreputable Verse, first because of Stanton himself, later because his successors understood how valuable a reputation can be. This reputation for being absolutely neutral, has been used to arbitrate disputes between various factions of suppliers and their customers. No one profits when suppliers or customers are killing each other off.

If you have something to ship, we’ll get it to the destination – guaranteed.
If you have something to sell, we’ll buy it for a fair price. No questions asked.
If you need something, we’ll sell it for a fair price. No questions asked.

With shipping Hubs across the Verse, we can ship it, buy it, or sell it. All transactions are confidential and final.

In the mid 26th century, after the First Tevarin War, NTC started what has become the mainstay of our business, Interstellar Construction. The war completely destroyed several systems, including the Idris System. The UPE was unprepared, or unwilling, to aid in the reconstruction of these devastated systems. Tallis VonDegar, Prime Organizer of NTC at the time, saw first hand the destruction the war had left, as he toured with his hauling crews in these devastated systems.

It didn’t take long for The Nassau Trading Company to hire Architects and Construction crews, mainly from these ruined systems, which flooded credits back into the local economies. Within two years, most of the effected systems were fully rebuilt. Building was incredibly lucrative. Mr. VonDegar officially renamed the Nassau Trading Company to NTC in 2550. It kept a recognized name, but also allowed for branding as a builder.

Once building became the main aspect of business, inefficiencies were quickly discovered. Sometimes, something a simple as a door hinge could stop construction for days, weeks, or once, even three months. This was unacceptable, so Mr. VonDegar took a large amount of the yearly profits and least the first mining ships and refinery space.

Vertical Integration allowed control of the entire supply chain, from mining the raw minerals, to refining the ore, to shipping the refined materials to the construction site, to erecting the outposts, labs, hangars, habitats and any other construction needed. It also meant that only the highest quality ores were refined and used. The lesser ores were sold to other companies. Because of this, NTC has quite literally forged a reputation for building the best and employing the beings who create the best.

Commerce is the life blood of the Verse, and Trade always goes in both directions™.


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When it becomes available, NTC will be affiliating with The United Resource Workers Industrial Guild, as everything we do with the exception of Transport, falls under this Guild.

NTC has pledged our fleet to Operation Pitchfork! As a member of NTC, you are not required to participate, but they have far more ships than crew at this point, and it sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

(Subject to Change as 1.0 gets closer)


The backbone of the Nassau Trading Company, started as shipping. We can transport anything, of any size, anywhere in the Verse. No matter how much, or how little, from 1 SCU to 98,000 SCU, we can get it where it needs it to go.

Using the standard Hub and Spoke transport model that’s been around for 1000 years, we ship all over the Verse, quickly and efficiently. By using bulk capacity ships, like the Hull Series, we are able to move any amount of cargo anywhere, inexpensively.

By using both our own crews, and independent pilots, we can move a materials across the Verse quickly.

Base Building and Crafting

We use vertical integration for our entire supply chain. We mine the raw minerals, refine those minerals into usable commodities, transport the commodities to the construction site, and build whatever the client requires. We also have ships for fuel, maintenance and repair of our fleet. By having our own fleet of ships for every possible job, we don’t rely on anyone but ourselves to get the job done. That means more reliability and quicker results, at less cost.

By vertically integrating our supply chain, we control both the quantity and quality of materials we use. NTC has a reputation for using only the highest quality materials. Our exploration ships survey entire systems and map them for the highest quality ores. Our mining ships then extract the ores which are either refined shipboard, or shipped to our refineries in other systems. Anything less than the highest quality, is sold to other builders and crafters.

We have the facilities to research better crafting techniques. This means, no matter what it is, from clothing, to weapons, to armor, if it comes from NTC, it is always going to be the highest possible quality. Quality commands a premium. NTC isn’t cheap, but it is the best you can buy anywhere in the Verse.

We also have a Pioneer, which means that we have the ability to construct the Supply Bay of a space station. Not just our space station, but the space station of anyone who has the credits to afford construction of a Supply Bay. Again, only the highest quality materials are used.

What’s In It For You?

With all the ships in our fleet, we have the resources to dominate the shipping and interstellar construction industries, and become the pre-eminent “Get It Done” Organization in the Verse. The above ships are all owned by NTC, and do not include the large variety of ships that our Associates and Affiliates will bring with them.

Whether you have your own ship, or want to crew something more interesting, NTC needs you.
Affiliates are required to use their own ships. Associates can apply to crew in our fleet, just ask.
Ship Captains will be chosen from Associates who apply, and promoted up the ranks to Manager. They can then pick their own crew, based on their own criteria.

We have mining and refining ships from the smallest, to the largest. All need crews to smoothly and efficiently turn asteroids into usable commodities that our cargo ships can haul to destination. We have fueling and repair ships to keep our fleet maintained. We also have a small fleet of combat ships, including various fighters, a Polaris an Idris and even a Kraken, to keep our operations secure.

Non-Ship Roles

Those who aren’t interested in crewing ships, can help us by routing cargo along our shipping routes, Crafting items, researching better crafting enhancements, or any of a hundred other professions required to run an Organization of this scope.

We need several beings in each of these positions, as well as other positions. At this time, all positions are open. As Spectrum comes online, we will be working with current Org members to determine where they best fit. As more game mechanics come in, interested Associates will be used to fill those positions by trying them in Alpha and Beta.

Join Us

We are a friendly Organization. If you just want to come in once in a while, and be assured of getting a cargo run, join us as an Affiliate. You get the advantage of not being tied down, and still get discounts if you need something we have for sale.

If you plan to be In-Verse on a regular basis, ask to become an Associate. Associates get better money for the jobs they do, are eligible for perks and bonuses, and can crew NTC owned ships. Associates and above are also eligible to apply to take the more critical positions required in an Organization of this size and complexity.

NTC promotes from within. Affiliates can become Associates just by asking, and being available to take jobs. Higher positions are given based on need, and your ability to handle the responsibilities. We are not a multi-game Organization, so we do not have the in-built cliques and politics they do. You will be promoted on your own interest, and merit. Anyone has the ability to work their way up to Organizer, if they have what it takes.

We also believe in work/life balance within the Verse. No matter what your position, you will have the time to explore everything the Verse has to offer outside of NTC. We want to help you enjoy your time in the Verse, and we’ll trade you UEC for your help in making NTC function. If you have what it takes to progress up the Organizational Ladder, we’ll give you the opportunity.

See our Charter for more details.

Our goal is to become THE place in the Verse where beings buy what they need and to craft what they desire.

Trade always goes both directions™.

By applying to NTC, you agree to the terms in the Charter.


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(Subject to change as Star Citizen 1.0 gets closer)

Articles of Incorporation
Article I: Goals of Cooperation and Organizational Structure

Section 1: Goals

The goal of NTC is to have fun and make a profit. We will do this by providing the service of making and selling products, to interested parties. This includes everything from clothing to buildings.

Our Interstellar Construction Division with its vertically integrated supply chain, offers the best quality construction services for a competitive price.

Our Security Division escorts our industrial ships and maintains security for the rest of our fleet, using the best ships for the job.

We accept all players in all classes [Trader, Explorer, Pirate, Mercenary, etc…] of all abilities. We also don’t care what other Organizations you may be part of. We are a loose group of players and Organizations banded together for mutual help and protection. Responsibility and rank (promotion) are based on your interests and ability to perform the task. Everything in the Organization is merit driven.

Section 2: Play Style

Our Organization is defined as Casual. As such, no member is required to participate for any specific amount of time. Our Organizational structure as defined in Section 3, lends itself very well to this style of play.

We do however expect that any agreements made with NTC by Members, will be upheld to the best of the Member’s ability. If you say you will transport a cargo from port A to port D, we expect that you will do so as quickly as possible (Within a single play session).

Section 3: Organization

We have rebranded as a Corporation, as it better suits our focus on building and crafting. There are levels of participation, which allows for everyone to participate as they prefer. These levels, from most participation to least are: Managers, Supervisors, Associates & Affiliates.

Our Affiliate level is lowest. This is where you can be given a job and decide if you like the work, the Organization, and the crew you’re with. We expect 100% turnover of Affiliates, since once you decide you want to be an official member, you are promoted to Associate.

Our Building and Crafting Division does require Associate level or higher, as it encompasses an entire supply chain of materials and vessels that must be run as close to continuous as possible.

Our Security Division protects our fleet and resources using ships from fighters to capital ships, so for obvious reasons, also requires Associate level commitment or higher.

1. Organizers

As the title suggests, Organizers are the Members who make the decisions about how the Organization will be run. Organizers are the points of contact for working with other Organizations on a formal basis. They are also responsible for making sure the Assistant Directors under them have what they need to efficiently perform their duties.

Among the Organizers, there is only one Prime Organizer. This is the Founder. Only the Prime Organizer can speak officially for the Organization, unless he specifically assigns that role to another. As the Organization grows, more Organizers will be promoted. There will only ever be one Prime Organizer.

Organizers are promoted from the Ranks. As the Organization grows, more Organizers will be sought.

2. Assistant Directors

These individuals are responsible for the day-to-day production of the Organization. They manage the operations by ensuring Department Heads have the resources they need.

3. Department Head

As the title indicates, each of these is in charge of a department. That could be Resource Location, Resource Allocation, Refining, Logistics, Building & Crafting, or a number of other departments. These beings work with each other to ensure efficient and practical use of beings and assets.
Building & Crafting will work with Logistics to ensure that materials needed to construct bases, or craft armor, is supplied before it is needed.
Logistics works with Refining to ensure there is material to deliver to production sites. They also will work with Resource Allocation to ensure there is enough ore to keep Refining. They will also work with Resource Allocation and Resource Location, to make sure mining ships are sent to the location of the highest quality ores and the highest quality harvestables are transported for use by Crafting.

4. Manager

Managers run their individual departments. These could be ship Captains moving cargo around the Verse, Building Manager running construction crews, or Crafting Managers helping to craft the best quality assets

5. Supervisor

Supervisors have demonstrated skill and passion in what they do. These could be the Officers abord ship, Building Forman at a building site, or a Crafter teaching a new Associate the ropes.

6. Associates

These are the beings who make everything happen.
On NTC owned ships, Associates will be the crew. Affiliates can crew NTC owned ships, but Associates will always get preference.
Associates are beings who started out as Affiliates, and decided that they wanted to become an Official Member. All it takes is desire and a little ability.
Associates get benefits. Those who use their own ships in transporting cargo, will be reimbursed for some incidentals. Because they tend to take more jobs for NTC, the Corporation reimburses them on a sliding scale for insurance, fuel, and maintenance. The more jobs an Associate takes for NTC, the more they are reimbursed.

7. Affiliates

Affiliates are the equivalent of Contractors in the Corporate world. They take on jobs as needed. This leaves them free to follow their pursuits as they wish, when they aren’t contracting for NTC.
Affiliates are where everyone starts. It where anyone can try a position within the Organization, to see if they are a good fit. It’s where you can learn the basics of crewing a ship, or crafting an item, or building a structure.
If it’s not for you, you’re free to leave. If you enjoy what you’re doing, you can ask the Supervisor to be promoted to Associate.

Article II: Compensation

Section I: Company Fees

NTC will be the entity being paid for all products sold. From those sales, taxes, insurance, and other expenses will be removed. These other expenses include, but are not limited to Member pay. NTC would like to keep a profit margin of 35%. This profit can be used to buy supplies or resources we don’t directly allocate, new ships to increase our productivity and as we don’t have investors, for paying Member Bonuses.

Article III: Code of Conduct

Rules for Delivery:
  1. Cargo shipments outside space considered “Safe”, at least one armed ship must fly escort.
  2. In such areas, if more than one industrial vessel is used, the number of escort ships must at least equal the number of industrial ships. More escort ships may be used for “High Value” cargo, or in areas known to be dangerous.
  3. Multiple NTC owned industrial ships flying in unsafe space together will be flown in a standard “Box” formation for mutual defense.
  4. Delivery of cargo should be made in as prompt a manner as possible. (One play session) If you don’t have the time to make the entire flight, don’t sign up for the run. This goes for all members of the crew, no matter their assigned station.
  5. When possible, crews and escorts should be 100% PCs. NPCs will be hired only if required.
  6. All contracts will be in writing and are binding within game
  7. NTC reserves the right to refuse anyone service at any time.

Rules of Conduct:

  1. No Alliance member will attack any ship under NTC flag. (This means if you’re a Privateer or Pirate, if the ship is on a delivery for NTC, you’ll keep your hands off.) Means of identification (Beacon or Transponder) and the exact codes will be determined as the mechanics are introduced.
  2. Any Organization member, no matter what level (Department Head, Manager, Associate, or Affiliate) will respond to any distress call by any other Organization member they receive. [No matter whether you are on a run for us or not, if you get into trouble, call out and other members will respond if they are close, whether they are on a run for us or not.] (Means of identification will be determined closer to Release 1.0)
    1. If a Affiliate member is under attack, you will help defend that member and their ship, no matter who is attacking. (That means if you find a pirate ship being attacked by UEE ships, you will jump in on the side of the pirate, though you are just as likely to defend against Pirates or other Hostiles.)
    2. Help to our members is not restricted to aiding in defense. They may be stranded by damage, lack of fuel, or other issues.
    3. Should it be found that a Alliance member is abusing this privilege, the privilege will be revoked.
  3. Parties who plunder cargo under NTC flag will face stiff consequences once they are discovered (and they will be discovered).
  4. Unless actively engaged by another faction, when on assignment for NTC, you will remain absolutely neutral in any and all conflicts between other factions (Except where it conflicts with 2(1) above).
  5. Affiliate & Associate level members may display, redact, or hide their NTC affiliation as they choose. These levels are also not required to set NTC as their main Organization. There will be times and places where being a member can be an advantage, or a disadvantage.
  6. Supervisor level and above must display their NTC membership at all times, and NTC must be their main Organization. You wouldn’t have accepted the promotion, if you weren’t proud of the group, right?
  7. Only Organizers can make official alliances with other Organizations. If you believe we would benefit from an alliance with an Organization you have some influence with, let us know who, and why.
  8. Only the Prime Organizer may make official statements for the Organization, unless he directs another to make those statements for him. Direct all inquiries to the Prime Organizer.
  9. All disputes between Members should be resolved by the disputing parties if possible. If not, someone from the next higher level will resolve it for them.
  10. Should a threat to NTC become apparent, all Alliance members are expected to come to the aid of NTC in whatever capacity may be required.
  11. Be nice to each other, have fun, and make some Credits!
  12. Trade always goes in both directions.™

By applying to NTC, you agree to the terms in the Charter.