Oromo Declination and Aerospace / ODAA

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading



Established in 2449, Oromo Declination and Aerospace arose from humble beginnings on Sol from a need to connect Eastern Africa, specifically the Welega region of Oromiyaa, to trade centric exploration expanding throughout the Sol jump point.

For thousands of years, the Oromo people have supplied the people of Sol with agricultural, textile, and manufactured goods beyond its borders. ODAA continues this cultural tradition by expanding sustainable industrial distribution, providing quality goods and services throughout the verse.

Historically the Oromo system of governance (the gadaa system) would take place under what we call the odaa (sycamore) tree. This tree would grow so large that it could provide sufficient shade for an entire community.

The mission statement of ODAA remains the same as the day Yohannes Geletta, founder of ODAA, first uttered the phrase in 2449: there’s space for all under the odaa tree.


ODAA is an industrial organization focused on providing goods/services to those in need. Salvaging, mining/refining, cargo hauling, repairing, and refueling are the core tenants of ODAA’s operations.

Being community focused means that ODAA will frequently partner with other organizations to help others achieve their goals, as well as enriching the lives of our members.

While considered a non-combative organization, we reserve the right to defend our clients and members, should the need arise.


When representing ODAA, members will abide by this charter:
  1. Generosity, empathy, and inclusivity are at the base of all ODAA rules
  2. Services must be provided by legitimate means, including but not limited to repair, transportation, cargo hauling, salvage, mining, and all UEE industrial claims laws