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Welcome to our Org Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.



If this is your first visit to Obsidian Dragon, you are most likely wondering who we are and what we do. Simply put, we are a group of people spread throughout the world with a similar interest: PC games.

Obsidian Dragon has a long and honorable history in online gaming, having been founded on February 4th of 2001, by OD-UNICRON and OD_HELLFIRE; OD has been active in the PC gaming community ever since. Originally formed for MechWarrior 4, OD has supported various games over the years, including the Jedi Knight, Battlefield and Call of Duty series.

Obsidian Dragon strives to provide a home for its members. OD is a place where members can chat about games, hold friendly conversations on our forums, and participate in online tournaments & practice matches. Obsidian Dragon also currently provides TeamSpeak 3 and Discord servers for our members (see our Member forums or the Server section of our website for more information). We accept members of all skill levels and play styles, though we prefer members be at least age 14 to be considered for membership. Obsidian Dragon gaming ranges from FPS, RPG’s, RTS to MMO’s, Our members play a variety of game types.

We do all this for the love of PC gaming, and more importantly, for the love of participating in our ever expanding community.


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