Obsidian Dominion / ODSPX

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Security

We are X-UEE Special Ops, We handle what the Government and Corporations rather not get involved with. A clandestine operation that works in the shadows of the UEE.

Visit us online: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Athol%20Islands/128/128/40


When our military service in the UEE came to an end it became clear that most of us had extensive knowledge on things that just didn’t work in civilian life. We formed a clandestine black ops operation group and contacted the bigwigs in the military and corporate sector, offering them our services. This led to the 1st wave of UEE Retired Marines forming “ODSPX” .

We have operatives in Chronos, Croshaw, Ellis, Goss, Hadrian, Idris, Kilian, Nemo, Odin, Sol and Stanton.


Our aim is to provide services that most folks rather not get involved with, some of these include escorting, security detail, clean ups, product delivery, prisoner delivery or release, assassination, bounty hunting,and fuel delivery to those who rather not declare their cargo.

You may visit us online by click on this SURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Athol%20Islands/128/128/40


All operations are verified and agreed on, no cowboy attitude permitted. Leave your cape at home, no hero stuff here. We do things by the numbers. The riskier the operation the more expensive. No pro bono work here.