This is Orion’s Horizon the Korzia Expedition a network of people, Casual & layed back our job is to explore scanning with a carrack hopefully, A little RP & some Freelance/Taxi/Rescue on the side if someone is stranded! (Expeditions aren’t Lucrative alone) Affiliations with other orgs are fine!
I did do a long winded backstory on the history of what Korzia means & it’s relation to Orion & Artemis but instead just look it up it’s greek mythology use wiki,
To the main point but I have created this organisation intended as an information network! I want to be a force for bring orgs together and helping network their efforts, information delivery between orgs, worlds and mapping every new discovery along the way!
We can make money off selling the data on the market or use it ourselves if it’s useful to us and use our network to let other orgs know or let us know if other orgs want to strike a deal for some resource map data!
We can also plant spies in orgs at their leader’s request to root out other org’s spies basically under cover operatives to out spies so the org in question can then deal with them!
We don’t have a history yet in the Universe but we can write one starting whenever Exploration is a fully viable income! Carrack is in Auspicious Red deal with it I like red & gold
All that aside I can issue out orders as a soft RP but I’m not forcing it on anyone cause I had a bad exp in a military RP org that took themselves too seriously and it became a job, you’ve come home from work you don’t need someone barking orders like they’re your boss in-game on top of all the bugs and frustrations that come with the alpha experience it’s not fair to stress people out like that so i’m not gonna try to awkwardly be the cool boss either I’m just not gonna try to not be a prick about it!
I don’t discriminate as long as you aren’t a nazi your welcome grammar ones are fine i’ve been there
If someone under you in the org messes up don’t act like middle management (which is ironic cause that’s what our org is we’re the middle guy)
just help them figure out what they did wrong and teach em how to avoid it, I spent many yrs being angry and damn right I still can be But i’m trying to not take life out on everyone else those are my problems they shouldn’t be yours!
word of warning though i’m autistic have dyslexia and prob ADHD I sometimes hyper-focus or keep changing subjects struggling to focus and I can talk longer than they have a list for people who past in WWII (I also have a little dark humor too)
I can’t guarantee I’ll be there to hold everyone hand all the time it’s not that i’m busy or chronically lazy I can just get burned out for a couple months and my health isn’t always great (poor constitution) so I will have some people in-charge when the time comes to take over for a while, I will listen if the person turns out to be a prick don’t be afraid to say it no matter how much power they have been given I won’t have people stepping on my org members I wanna foster a community that’s relaxing, free and have people enjoy being a member of ohken
the way I see it information network aside since it doesn’t make all the money I do embody the spirit of a Freelancer we can go do medical runs I got the the equipment, rescue stranded players, taxi people we gotta fund out scientific expeditions somehow it’s not like we are a UEE backed science vessel!
if theres anything we need that we don’t have that’s we collaborate and build bridges between different orgs like Hauling Orgs, I already got a friend LegrandeSeiko who used to run mining orgs in EVE so he’s probably gonna do something like when Orgs finally have a system for recruitment in-game… we Orgs have gotta stick together but I will also ally with Syndicates who are enemies of my enemies
I believe in collaboration so I intend to do favors for many orgs as a neutral party so if anyone wrongs my org your making alot of enemies! not as a favor from em but because I plan to good by them i’m no snake if you ally with me I’m not the type to stab you in the back I got principles and it would be bad for business if I did!
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