Red River Rangers / OKIES1907

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

Once… Oklahoma was the frontier, a land no one wanted. But many of the people who settled here would not be held back. They raced to get here. They embraced the unknown, looking for better.

They still do.

Once… the only limit was the horizon. Now… the only limit is the stars.


Back in 1907, Oklahoma was founded as a state as part of the United States of America, Earth. (Thank you, Theodore Roosevelt!) Us Okies are a fierce, resilient bunch. We are quick to adapt, and capable of many things. Our greatest attribute was our diversity. Taking our resilience and diversity forward with us into the world of space travel has proved to be our greatest strength. Just like statehood, there were “sooners,” or people who jumped the gun and settled the state before it was allowed. We, as an organization, were around before the game, and have developed our skills and resources to become a force to be reckoned with.

(But enough of that history nonsense! Take a gander at our Manifesto to get a glimpse of our heart ‘an soul!)


Okies, on the whole, are a friendly bunch. And we have been known, on occasion, to get together, have a drink, and shoot the bull. In fact, that’s our “primary activity.” (You gotta’ have priorities!) To see where we’re turn’in up next, just click on the link(s) below. We’ll see ‘ya there.

Shoot’en the Bull.
The Next Shindig.

Extremely few of us have deep roots in Oklahoma. Whether it’s our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or great-great-etc. grandparents, almost every Okie came here from somewhere else. (Often times by hook or by crook.) We’ve always been on the move, and probably will be ‘till the end of time. We wander. We explore. That cloud up ahead of you could very well be our dust. Now we’ve taken to the stars, and we’re looking for the next water’in hole. Our “secondary activity” is to explore. And we’d like to invite ‘ya to join us. Just be aware, we have been known to take advantage of an unfair head start. (It’s called the “Sooner State” for a reason.)

And though we often fight like brothers, (or worse yet…sisters(!),) to take a swing at one of us, is the same as taking a swing at us all. Okies always seek justice. And in this turbulent time in the UEE, sometimes that manifests itself as “frontier justice…” as written by the law of the west.

(Having said that, to be on the safe side, you might give our Charter a once over…just to know what you’re gett’in into!)


Okies come together and help each other out in times of need. Especially if there’s a fight involved. That’s not required. That’s just manners.

Except, of course, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving…when all Bedlam breaks loose!