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The Old Hunters / OLDHUNTERS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

May the good blood guide you through the stars, Hunters.

Join us on Discord


The Beginning

The Old Hunters was founded by a group of retired UEEN personel who fought during the Second Tevarin War and were discharged shortly after only to be brought together and led by former UEEN Perseus Captain Gehrman Wolffe and form the Old Hunters PMC a group of ex-soldiers turned mercenaries still wanting to keep the verse clean of pirate and lawless filth. The Hunters pride themselves on honor and prowess in combat. First started out doing minor bounty hunting but quickly found out they wish to expand their horizons and started doing high-risk contracts, with the new money Command quickly grew the Hunters Fleet to a sizable and capable fleet. Until the outbreak of the Human-Vanduul conflict in XXXX, where they were the first to work with UEEN personel to fight back against the incoming threat.

Currently led by Marshal Rune Wolffe, the last living descendent of Gehrman, The Old Hunters are an ever outreaching PMC in the Stanton system where they have currently relocated their temporary base following a fatal blow dealt previously to the old base and a portion of the fleet…


Current Events

Since the outbreak of the Human-Vanduul war the PMC suffered a major blow to its bulk forces and is rebuilding its size to be able to take back over Pyro from the group known as XenoThreat which they have assisted the CDF forces in fighting back against them and the Nine Tailed Fox or NTF forces in the Stanton system.



Our Focus

The Old Hunters PMC is focused around the more combat/military aspect and trading/exploration aspects of game play in Star Citizen. We will make money where there is money to be made, hunt pirates for profit, trade goods, manufacture consumables, explore the galaxy, and do whatever else we can to make this game more enjoyable for everyone here at The Old Hunters and the Star Citizen community as a whole.


Organization Structure

Each of the branches ranking per pay grade will follow this format: Naval / Marine / Logistics / Exploration

High Command

  • Marshal
  • Vice Marshal
  • Lord


  • Commander / Captain


  • Lieutenant Commander / Lieutenant / Lieutenant Commander / Master Chief Petty Officer

Non-Commissioned Officers

  • Lieutenant / Sergeant / Lieutenant / Chief Petty Officer
  • Junior Lieutenant / Corporal / Junior Lieutenant / Petty Officer


  • Ensign / Lance Corporal / Ensign / Jr. Petty Officer
  • Senior Crewman / Private First Class / Senior Crewman / Pathfinder First Class
  • Crewman / Private / Crewman / Pathfinder


  • Crewman Apprentice / Recruit / Crewman Apprentice / Pathfinder Recruit


  • Elite
  • Tycoon
  • Entrepreneur
  • Broker
  • Merchant
  • Dealer
  • Peddler





The Old Hunters – Immutable Laws

Drama free zone – Most of us graduated high school years ago. Leave the teen drama in the school halls. Drama will not be tolerated here.

Be positive – Negativity is a plague that can take over with even the slightest infiltration. Any negative members have got to go. We’re not expecting sunshine and rainbows 24/7, but don’t be depressing.

Real life first – The vast majority of members have families and a real life, and we firmly believe that keeping these things before gaming is the best way to go. Never feel bad, and never put anyone down, for having to take care of real life.

Be respectful – Treat others the way you’d want to be treated. Treat all your fellow members and our allies with respect.

No dicks allowed – Being a dick is not acceptable. We won’t accept dicks as clients, vendors, or members, we will never be dicks, most of us are adults and are here to have fun just don’t be a dick. Period.

Earn your pay – You make your pay here we dont pay our contractors that don’t work.


Your Employment under the Old Hunters is at will. While you may leave anytime you wish we also have the ability to terminate you at any given moment if you fail to meet our standards.


Membership Requirements

· Must have and use Discord; headset strongly recommended
· Must be mature
· Must be 17+
· Must not cause drama
· Must be loyal to to your comrades, treason will result in a voiding of your contract. Your profit and life will be then forfeit.

Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in expulsion.
