The Omega Directive / OMEGADIR

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

The Omega is the first and last line of defence in the Terminus Systems. Operating on the edge of the known space, Omega is a shining beacon, a safe haven for explorers, miners, traders and entrepreneurs, and its military influence is projected over the whole Terminus sector and beyond.


[UEE Black Ops Site IO-13] ——- Top secret access code :

|UEE Intelligence Division Director D.Anderson|: Commander, please come in. Thank you for joining us here. I know the circumstances are unusual, but we do have an unusual assignment for you.

|Special Forces Cmdr. J.Sinclair|: Yes, sir. I am packed and ready to go whenever and wherever you need me, sir.

|Anderson|: Please take a sit.

|Anderson|: What do you know about the Omega Directive?

|Sinclair|: They have assassinated senator Kingsley and broadcasted it to the whole system.

|Anderson|: Correct. We are 100% positive it was actually their doing.

|Sinclair|: Also the massacre of Ganymedes research station. And a lot of urban legends. “Ghosts of the Terminus systems”, it’s what regular folks call them.

|Anderson|: Commander, what I am about to tell you is for your ears only and not to leave this room. Not your subordinates. Not your upper echelon. From this moment on, you report directly to me, and only to me.

|Sinclair|: What the hell is going on, sir? And pardon the language, sir.

|Anderson|: Jeff, we have known each other for more then twenty years. I trust you implicitely and I need you for this. We have many more enemies then we previously thought and we are losing important assets, UEE has been infiltrated on the highest levels.

|Sinclair|: By the Omega?

|Anderson|: Possibly. And other … unknowns. We think these unknowns are pulling the strings in all the wrong directions, and not with UEE best interests in mind, to put it mildly. And Omega seems to know more about it, then we do.

|Sinclair|: Sir, pardon my asking but … Who are we?

|Anderson|: I am running a special task force. Off the books. Only the 100% trustworthy people and absolute best in their field: Intelligence agents, pilots, black ops, mte experts and scientists, high skilled operators. Our mission is to infiltrate the Omega, or establish a communication channel, we must know what they know.

|Sinclair|: Not to stop them?

|Anderson|: Well … we are not sure. It’s not public knowledge, but Kingsley was corrupted to his bones, he was being invistigated, but could not be pinned. Evidence and witnesses vanishing. Omega did us a favor.

|Sinclair|: … What about Ganymedes station?

|Anderson|: The massacre is the word UEE is feeding to their media’s. No bodies were actually found. We are certain that at least some of them are alive. They took their familes and vanished. But some big corporations are pissed and paying huge bounties against Omega operatives, but we know they were doing some very shady research on the station.

|Sinclair|: Are we looking at another Cerberus or Xeno Group?

|Anderson|: Cerberus … yes, there are similarities. Compared to Omega, Xeno are amateurs. Also, they didn’t kill Preston. Omega did.

|Sinclair|: But Preston was a pacifist, a clueless idealist. What possible motives could they have to kill him?

|Anderson|: Unknown. We have been trying to collect as much intelligence we can on them, but we lost both agents sent to infiltrate them. And one of them has defected, if not both.

|Sinclair|: How is this possible? Do they actually have a working prothean mind control device?

|Anderson|: If they do, we must take it from them. And the most disturbing thought, if they actually joined Omega of their own free will.

|Sinclair|: Can we just send the fleet in and mop them up?

|Anderson|: If we can find them, which we can’t. The whole sector is covered by nebulae, explosive gas clouds, unstable asteroid fields, collapsing and newly-formed wormholes. It’s a nightmare to navigate with ever changing wormhole fabric, countless ships were lost in the sector.

|Anderson|: Also, they are being protected by local communities. Miners, explorers and traders flock around their sector.

|Sinclair|: Are they running a protection racket?

[Anderson]: Possible, but we think their ties are more likely of a symbiotic nature. The region is a nexus for uncharted wormhole connections, which Omega needs to get around the system secretly and effiiciently. While the miners fuel their economy through trading and industry, and supply the funds for their operation. Of course, in exchange they do get protection and access to the the holy gold mine of ressources of the sector. And they are not flying around with rust buckets but the top-of-the-line industrial and explorations ships, so they do get their fair share of the cake.

|Sinclair|: Can we learn about them from the miners?

|Anderson|: That will be your mission, Commander, you are going in as an excavation expert and you are to make contact with DD mining group. They run with Omega hand-in-hand.

|Sinclair|: Yes, sir.

|Anderson|: Our good friend Cmdr. Sheppard will be working the explorers side through the LJS guild.

|Sinclair|: Understood. Do we have an idea about their military capabilities?

|Anderson|: 3 Years ago a whole ROG went missing in the sector. The infamous “Battle of the Ghosts”. We believe, the Omega salvaged the carrier and some attack ships. Since then they have been hoarding assets.

|Anderson|: And that is not all. Vanduul attack on the Tau-10 settlement. They took care of it, annihiliated the Vanduul strike force in less then 2 hours. When we got there, all we found are Vanduul wrecks. Off course, officially UEE won this battle.

|Anderson|: So to answer your question: their military capabilities are at least several ROG’s strong, and they are efficient and ruthless. Of course, nothing we can not handle in an open battle, but it’s not how they operate.

|Anderson|: And finally, the most concerning of all: they are somehow affiliated with Vanduul.

|Sinclair|: From what you told me, that doesn’t make any sense, sir.

|Anderson|: It doesn’t. One of our patrols had a run-in with them in the neigbouring sector. They just ignored our boys who did a proximity flyby and scanned the whole show. They clearly registered several Vanduul fighters, with yes, living Vanduul inside them.

|Sinclair|: Do we have an idea about their organisational structure?

|Anderson|: We assume, besides the secretive military core … they have independent cells, operating with full authority in their fields of expertise. Exploration, mining, trading guilds; commercial hubs. Completely legit.

|Anderson|: Commander. It is of outmost importance we acquire intelligence about their organisation, we must know their end-game. If they are our enemy, we must act before they gain total foothold of the sector.

|Sinclair|: Understood. They are playing the judge and the executioner on the UEE territory, this can’t go on unanswered. I will find out what they are up to, sir.

|Anderson|: Good man. Now let us go over the mission specifics.


—— UEE File [Top Secret]: Omega Directive – Fleet Assets ——

- Idris-P/K
- Kraken

- Hercules A2
- Polaris: x2
- Hammerhead x 2
- Nautilus
- Retaliator

- Orion
- Argo Mole: x3
- Starfarer Gemini
- Reclaimer x 2

- 890J: x2
- Phoenix: x2

- Carrack: x4

- Caterpillar: x2
- Hercules C2: x2
- Merchantman

- Vandul Glaive: x2
- Ares Ion: x2
- Ares Inferno: x2
- Vanguard Sentinel: x2



The Omega Directive: the first and last line of defence deep inside the Terminus Systems. A migrant fleet operating on the edge of the known space, Omega is a shining beacon, a symbol of hope in a dark dangerous sector, a safe haven for explorers, miners, traders and entrepreneurs, and its military influence is projected over all Terminus systems and beyond.


Not tolerated: griefing, flaming, spoiling everyone’s good mood.
In a nutshell, a single rule: Please be mature and respectful to all.