Omicron Interstellar / OMICRON

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

At Omicron, we provide solo pilots and small groups a means to organize for participation in larger group missions while offering all of our pilots and captains a high degree of personal freedom as we work together to explore the galaxy.


Omicron Interstellar was founded in 2940 by an explorer and a ex-military pilot. Since then, they have been working with a small group of Freelancers to fund daring expeditions into the dangerous fringes of space.

Our pilots like to operate in small groups with shallow hierarchies. When business is good and our numbers are high, we split into new divisions to keep individual group population low. Each division of our organization has a large degree of autonomy to make their own decisions and decide on their own internal structure. Omicron’s directors help to organize these separate divisions in response to big events or major ops so that we can work together smoothly and effectively toward a common goal.

We are only just setting out to make our mark on the galaxy, but we are looking for bright pilots with a lot of character and a thirst for adventure to help us forge our destiny in the years ahead.

We also work with other groups on a regular basis. Ask us about our Joint Operations Program.

Our Assets:

Permanent Multicrew Vessels

  • C2 Hercules (Actually a Merchantman)
  • Retaliator x2

Temproary Acquisitions
  • ROC
  • ROC-DS
  • Ursa Rover x2
  • Dragonfly
  • Tumbril


Who We Are:

Omicron Interstellar is a small salvage and exploration outfit that operates in the unexplored and dangerous systems on the edge of known space. Whether it’s salvaging wrecked components out from under the nose of Vanduul raiding parties, or racing to find the location of a hidden space hulk, our team is ready to answer the call. Here at Omicron Interstellar, we strive to help our pilots engage in a variety of experiences, with a special focus on exploration and salvage. We offer our members a high degree of personal and operational freedom, while providing a comfortable social environment and flexible participation requirements.

What We’re Looking For:

We are looking for pilots who are willing to take risks to get results, with a hunger for exploration and a thirst for adventure. Pilots with a focus in exploration, salvage, trade, freelancing, or mercenary work all have a place at Omicron Interstellar.

We don’t actively recruit, but we’re willing to consider you if you express an interest in flying with us, and we will send out invitations to people we meet in-game that mesh well with our group’s culture and chemistry.

Omicron doesn’t require exclusivity or have a set time commitment, so you won’t be penalized for missing events or joining multiple organizations.

What We Have to Offer:

Omicron Interstellar is your home in the stars. We support each other so that we can go to places and brave risks that a solo player would find daunting or impossible.
Omicron Interstellar provides a comfortable social setting to all of its members. Our goal is to be a friendly and welcoming community, treating everyone with respect and maintaining an open and safe place for our pilots to be themselves.
Omicron Interstellar is the home of the daring. As a small group, it’s going to take guts and nerve to make it in the ‘verse and that’s exactly what we intend to do.


Omicron Interstellar does its best to stay out of the personal affairs of its individual members. During operations our members are required to pay attention to their Operational Commander – but we try to build these relationships off of trust and experience rather than arbitrary chain of command.

The image Omicron Interstellar seeks to convey to the community is of a helpful, courteous, fun-oriented and welcoming group. Omicron Interstellar will be a safe place for people of all play styles, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religion.

In-Game, we are neutral when it comes to the criminal rating of members. Sometimes you need to misbehave a little to make ends meet, and that’s fine. We do not however want to gain a reputation as an org for piracy, murder, or mayhem so keep the carnage to a minimum when you’re flying org colors.

Code of Conduct:

Our code of conduct is not set in stone because it is very hard to have a clear code during the alpha, but suffice it to say
  • Don’t cheat
  • Don’t harass people in chat, in fact, be respectful in chat at all times.
  • Don’t PVP members of the group without consent
  • Don’t grief people – intentionally or frequently causing other players aggravation for the purpose of ruining their good time


Division O-1/F

Our freelancing division is lead by Praseodymium. It has several subdivisions for each of the operation types we run.

  • Subdivision O-1/F-M – Mining division led by Praseodymium currently progressing from vehicle mining towards prospector mining and eventually mole mining.
  • Subdivision O-1/F-T – Trade subdivision led by Voodoospecter doing large-vessel trades, ramping up to multi vessel operations
  • Subdivision O-1/F-B – Bountyhunting subdivision led by Tarvey Birdman providing bounty hunting group play and escort for other subdivisions
  • Subdivision O-1/F-C – Classified operations organized ad-hoc by interested parties