Omniport / OMNIPORT

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Trading

Welcome to OMNIPort! The rental company that’s ready to help you – wherever you are in the ‘Verse, there’s OMNIPort. Please visit our website for more information:


The Ethos of OMNIPort:

OMNIPort is a rental ship company founded to supply Support Class ships to those in the ‘Verse without the credits to buy one outright.

OMNIPort’s founders understood the financial difficulties inherent in any interstellar buisness venture, and realised the dream of helping out those looking to get a step up.

From starter ships to mining platforms, OMNIPort can help you out, wherever you are, at a rental price you CAN afford.

As well as renting out ships, we have positions available for those seeking to work as rental agents.

Join up with OMNIPort today to get all the latest news, deals, and personal support.

Members of OMNIPort will also have access to job opportunities as and when they arise.


There for you, wherever you are…


Our Promises to You:

1. We promise that your rental ship will arrive on time.

2. We agree that the rental ship will arrive in the condition, and with the specifications, advertised.

3. We declare that you will receive all the support we can afford you throughout your rental experience.

4. We ask that renters supply a percentage deposit, reflective of the ship rented, to be kept on; damage, loss or theft of a rental ship.

4. We warn that any attempt to retain the rental ship permanently, beyond the rental agreement, will be met with retrieval by any means.


The Charter of OMNIPort:

To ensure client satisfaction.

To aid renters throughout the term of their rental period.

To assist in all financial, mechanical, and administrative queries renters may have.

To provide a friendly work environment, and to provide a clear store-front for prospective renters.

To be wherever you are, to provide whatever you need.