Ravagers / ONECODE

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Our journey does not end with death.


Pyro is at the heart of the Ravager’s story; it represents both the beginning and the end, if the UEE is to be believed.

Early History

The Ravagers were originally formed by slaves, brought by the Gold Horizon mining corporation to work in sledge camps on the edge of UEE governed space. What started as a black market distribution network, serving the vices of fellow miners, would transform into an active resistance against their corporate slave handlers.

Ravagers’ oral history relays stories of pitched battles, and heroic sacrifice. In contrast, surviving Gold Horizon records simply show a deficit on a ledger and a hasty decision to abandon continued mining operations along the Akiro Cluster.

The strict code followed by all Ravagers was formed during these early struggles.

  1. Pyro is our home.
  2. A Ravager never truly dies.
  3. A Ravager must be willing and able to fight.
  4. A Ravager does not engage in the trade of slaves.


Positioned in Pyro, the Ravagers enjoyed easy access to 7 different systems. Their smuggling operations stretched from Earth to Terra and beyond, reaching many worlds bordering Xi’an and Vanduul space. The UEE Advocacy estimates that at their height, “the Ravagers were the single largest supplier of Neon and many other black market goods.”

Ironically, it wasn’t until the Ravagers turned to legal pursuits that the UEE finally took action. Under intense lobbying pressure, the UEE Advocacy and UEE High Command entered Pyro in a joint operation with the goal of dismantling the Ravagers’ powerbase. Casualty figures remain unavailable to the general public.

In Modern Times

According to the UEE Advocacy, “the Ravagers leadership has been effectively destroyed” and that “remnants of the defunct Ravagers are now in conflict with one another, vying for control of Pyro.” However, many living along the fringes of UEE space believe the Ravagers are still out there, operating quietly.


Legends surrounding the Ravagers continue to circulate, and are especially popular on the edge of UEE space where they are retold in a Homeric manner and often involve heroic leaders or fearless pilots fighting against unjust UEE or corporate oppression.

Levski and Resistance against the Messier Regime

There are various stories linking the Ravagers to the free-town of Levski and the resistance against the Messier Regime. While no formal affiliation is known to have existed, it is likely that the Ravagers engaged in many small conflicts against the Messier Regime given their reputation as freedom fighters.

The Meredith

The “Meredith” is a Retribution class ship at the heart of the Ravager’s navy. There are many different, conflicting stories about how the Ravagers came into possession of the vessel. The only detail every story agrees on is that it was paid for in enough blood to paint its hull many times over.

Modern historians agree that the Ravagers obtaining a Retribution class ship is an anachronism, and that the vessel was likely a Javelin-class destroyer. It is unknown whether or not it survived the UEE crackdown of Pyro.


Ogard was the last great Chieftain of the Ravagers. During his time as leader, any vessel passing through Pyro space, from independent captains to corporate haulers and UEE scouts would pay the Ravagers for safe passage.

Tales outlining his struggle against the UEE and subsequent escape into hiding are numerous, however none have been verified.


Ravager pilots and soldiers enjoy a mythic reputation. It is claimed that the eldest male born to any Ravager family would be taken at a young age and be put through intense training. These children would be pushed to their limits, and many would not survive. Those that did would be allowed to forge their own path once they came of age. Few decided to leave, having become accustomed to life as a Ravager.


Ravagers are known for their peculiar death ritual. A fallen Ravager’s body is draped with various strips of colored cloth indicating their importance and the manner in which they fell. They are then placed in a vessel and sent off towards Pyro. Towards home.

Any true Ravager would inform you that their fallen comrade was not dead, but instead fulfilling their next sacred duty.


Pyro is our home.

A Ravager never truly dies.

A Ravager must be willing and able to fight.

A Ravager does not engage in the trade of slaves.


Pyro is our home.

A Ravager never truly dies.

A Ravager must be willing and able to fight.

A Ravager does not engage in the trade of slaves.