Order of Divinity / OOD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Freelancing

Order of Divinity is a gaming community that strives to achieve a new level of respect and companionship in the PC gaming world. Our central goal is to unify our members around the Founding Principles: Friendship, Respect, Morality, and Contribution.


The Order of Divinity was founded in 2011 as a guild focused on Star Wars: The Old Republic. We we’re built on the Founding Principles of Friendship, Morality, Respect, and Contribution (The full description can be found on the Charter page). We quickly progressed through content in that game, and soon found ourselves tired and wanting another game to play. During this time, we played multiple MMOs like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, Tera, and Elder Scrolls Online. What has ended up holding our interest is Wildstar (which we are currently playing) and Star Citizen. Both games offer a plethora of content and challenge to them. Throughout the years, we have become one of the most well known, and respected family friendly guild out there. We hope to continue this journey into our future games and hope to be a major force in Star Ctiizen!


Order of Divinity’s motives are simple, to provide a welcoming, friendly, enjoyable environment for everyone. This community is like no other, as we are together to build relationships, not just to further our own in-game goals. That being said, we will also have a focus on completing goals in-game as well.

As a Resources and Freelancing community, we will be taking on a wide swath of jobs. We plan to only take legitimate jobs from legitimate sources when freelancing, so everything is on the up-and-up with the Order. As for Resources, we plan to scour the galaxy for items and assets that will help further the Order along.



*Friendship*- The Order of Divinity is a vibrant gaming community based on the bonds of friendship between our members. If you told me the most fun you have ever had playing a video game, I would bet that it involved playing with close friends. Community is important in gaming. It gives your gaming experience purpose and direction. The members of this guild will be devoted to friendship, both in the deepening of current friendships and discovering new friends. We are in this together. What we accomplish, we will accomplish together.

True friendship isn’t simply virtual. We strongly believe that in order for us to truly be friends, we must know a little bit about each other. You are not permitted to stalk your guild mates, but you are encouraged to be friends with them beyond the boundaries of a video game.

*Morality*- The Order of Divinity maintains a high standard of moral conduct. Therefore, members of Order of Divinity will be morally respectable. Morality isn’t just about avoiding things that are wrong. It is about embracing what is right. One of the staples of Order of Divinity is the kind, generous, and respectful attitudes of our guild members. In becoming a member of this guild, you are required to act in a way that is morally reputable and contribute to our friendly atmosphere.

You may not use or type vulgar, sexual, or offensive language in guild chat, voice chat, or in the guild forums including applications. You also may not post, link, or embed vulgar or offensive materials in the forums. This is a family-friendly guild. Please keep all content and language “G-Rated.” Please don’t test the lines on this issue. The guild leadership has been instructed to be intentional about maintaining a family friendly environment for everyone in our guild.

To put it bluntly: If you are looking for a place to use every type of vulgar, sexual, and obscene language under the sun, this isn’t the guild for you. However, if you are looking for the most positive and encouraging gaming community, Order of Divinity is the guild for you! We believe that this principle is crucial for maintaining a positive atmosphere in the guild and on the server that we play on.

*Respect*- If you have been in a guild before, you have likely experienced what happens when people have a lack of respect for others. Our guild will not survive or be successful without respectful members. If you are to become a member of Order of Divinity, you will be expected to show caring respect for your guild mates and the guild leadership.

When a member in the guild becomes disrespectful, offensive, vulgar, abusive, or insulting to another guild member, the guild leadership will take decisive action to solve the issue, even if it means removing someone from the guild. Please treat others the way that you desire to be treated! This also applies to the way you treat non-guild members in the game.

*Contribution*- All members are highly encouraged to regularly check and post on our forums. The success of our guild will be directly linked with how much each guild member contributes. The simplest way to contribute to the guild is by sharing your thoughts on the guild forums, Mumble, and in guild chat. You can also help guild mates in the game with questing, crafting, or class advise. A few members might decide to contribute in a leadership role. Either way, contribution is vital for members of the Order.

Order of Divinity is not a guild for spectators. Check the forums and post new threads. Share your thoughts. Interact with your guild mates in guild chat and Mumble. We aren’t looking for people who stand on the sidelines. This doesn’t mean that introverted personalities won’t feel comfortable in our guild, it simply means that the more active and contributive guild members we have in Order of Divinity, the more enjoyable gaming will be for all of us.