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Vors / OOI

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Resources

As part of a larger organisational structure, the church is here to help those how have lost something or seek something more.

  • Everybody’s looking for something *

Those deemed fit for other purposes will be assigned tasks with our brother and sister organisations.

Between – Lines


We have a long history of collaboration and mutual information exchange. Our partners provide us with valuable data, in return for the same. As part of this larger organisation, there is no need for currencies to change hands, these are simply a means to an end. We as a race are not responsible enough to use money in the way it was originally intended and therefore await it’s eradication. Those with too much are of those whose mental problems far exceed the neuro-typical.

Over the millennia, we have always been here, waiting in the shadows. It won’t be long now.

Information is OOI


We trade only in knowledge, this is a way of life.

By joining our church, you will be tested, and trained, this will help us to find the most mutually suitable position.

This is your only entry point.


  • Everything you receive is a gift, as is your presence a gift to the church.
  • The church will never throw you out, but there may come a point when you wish to leave.
  • Everyone here is treating as an equal, that give everyone including you the ability to speak out.
  • Speak your mind, everyone has something positive to bring, don’t underestimate your importance.
  • Equally, don’t underestimate the importance of other individuals, or the group as an entity.
  • Failure to comply is not grounds for removal, more a rift that can be repaired, through change of individuals or group mentality.
  • Spend time to speak to your fellows when you can, any problems should first be dealt with on a personal level, one to one, with the persons involved. Failing this, any matters can be brought forward to the group council. This will be comprised of 2 arbiters, and 6 members, to be chosen half each by the two parties. Usually this is a rare event, though it has been known to resolve the situations quicker than any other method.
  • Nothing is ever lost, it is only to be gained.