Vanda “Van” Douglas, Founder and Charter President of the Order
Exploration was a part of her soul from the moment Vanda Douglas was born in 2748. Legend has it that that she was born in a recycled Zeus hab within a tiny smuggler’s den on Tohil III. She was raised as part of a makeshift smuggling nyayu’a, a family known as L’yansah, that worked the unpatrolled quantum lanes between Nyx and Virtus.
As soon as she could pilot a ship of her own, she was captaining the lanes with her first mate and mentor, a Xi’an smuggler named Yu’arai se L’yansah. By 2764, Vanda and were traversing the Revolutionary Road as freelance navjumpers and smugglers. Some profit would go towards upgrading their ship, the “Something Borrowed”, but the rest would fund small expeditions to learn more about the barely explored systems of their smuggling routes.
Over the next decade, Vanda would make friends along the routes from all walks of quasi-legal life (private navjumpers, bodyguards, smugglers, miners, data runners, and others) with similar stories: they have a passion for exploration and discovery, but little money to do so. The soulless Imperial Cartography Center was too busy finding new systems rather than exploring those they’d found. It was an era of opportunity, but little money to act.
In 2775, Vanda brought all of those likeminded friends as the Order of Freelance Explorers which was headquartered in the same smuggler’s den where she was born. It was made up of a dozen freelancers as a way to pool their profits towards a great goal: discovery. Many of the charter members presumed they’d be treasure hunters — a colonialist point of view prominent during the Messer era — but Vanda was confident she could convince them that the discovery and sale of the knowledge would be enough. Vanda wanted to preserve any ancient sites and relics they’d find. It was during this time that Vanda’s famous quote was reportedly uttered: “Discovery is made by those foolish enough not to know better.”
The 2780’s were spent smuggling people out of Imperial space to the relative safety of Xi’an territory. Among those was a young academic named August Dunlow, who was a prominent anti-Messer activist. Van was hired many times by August and his political supporters to aid August in his return to the UEE and transport of supplies for August’s plans during the final few years of the Messer era.
When the Messer reign fell and the Perry Line pact was signed in 2793, the systems of the Revolutionary Road had an influx of new public interest. This expanded eye on the usual smuggler routes, gave the Order an excuse to expand their business to more systems since competition (both legal and “extra-legal”) drove down income for any of the old school businesses of the Revolutionary Road era.
In 2812, the Order was hired as a contracted organization by the fledgling ship company Crusader Industries. Crusader founder August Dunlow, felt he could trust Van’s ragtag-but-trustworthy crew to pilot his new fleet of Jupiter starships as ship couriers in return for the Order keeping the Jupiters upon completion of the delivery contracts. Despite the mistrust of the rest of Crusader’s board, this immediate manpower helped Crusader meet their burgeoning demands by customers seeking ships in this new post-Messer era. For the next 25 years, the Order and Crusader had a close relationship, which gave them “preferred status” on contracts and discounted costs for ship purchases.
In 2821, founder Vanda Douglas retired as President of the Order at the age of 73. When asked why she chose to retire with many years ahead of her, she claimed she was going to “check out the corners of the verse with her first mate”. Both Van and se L’yansah leave Order headquarters in a refurbished Zeus, which was a gift from the members of the Order.
The Order’s next president was elected the same year: a business-minded research scientist named Rebecca Kern. To celebrate the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Order’s founding, Rebecca — never Becky — created the “Four Year Proposal” with a goal of making the Order legit. This goal didn’t sit well with most chapters which were quasi-legal entrepreneurs on their best days, so the goal became to make the Order legitimate enough to join the Academy of Science. This had been a longstanding goal of Van’s, which made it easier for chapters to agree. Rebecca spent the next four years rigorously organizing and restructuring the Order into a more scientifically-focused organization. Rebecca had a goal of formalizing the Order as an organization. Until now, Van had led the Order by the seat of her pants. The original charter was written on the back of a napkin from a bar on Dalamar in the Nyx System. Once the charter was lost, it was retained only by oral tradition. Each new member hand to memorize the five articles as part of becoming a member. Rebecca rewrote the charter as a formal document. It introduced the concepts of chapters, awards (including the first award of the Order — the “Vanda Douglas Medal”), and a clarification of member structures.
Van and’s last Spectrum post was made in 2824. As August Dunlow prepared to retire from Crusader and the company’s personal ties to the Order had left, the business relationship began to dissolve. Neither the shipmaker or the Order put much effort into maintaining the relationship as both had grown into entities with different goals.
In 2825, the Order applied to join the Academy of Science after reducing their quantity of accepted questionable contracts. The Academy denied their acceptance. There were many formal reasons given, but the primary reason implied was that — because of the Order’s history — any scientific endeavors that the Order pursued could not be trusted or considered secure from reckless and threatening organizations.
In 2826, the Order formally renounced its connection from the L’yansah nyayu’a. This was primarily a public formality, as even Xi’an noble houses deny that nyayu’a even exist. Despite the announcement being a formality, it also came with a cost. The L’yansah line demanded recompense. For seven years, the Order provided contractual research and hauling for the family. Upon completion in 2833, their official connection was severed. That being said, it is commonly known that all members of the Order are still part of the L’yansah line and still work contracts with their families and keep warm ties.
In 2828, a contracted relationship with Rayari, Inc. begins. The Order works as often as possible with Rayari on available Retrieve/Research contracts. Rumor has it that President Kern knew Clara Douglas, though no historical evidence backs this up.
By 2832, the consistent work with Rayari pays off as they become the first “Benefactor of Exploration” and the a major patron of the Order.
In another move to distance the Order from it’s ragtag past, the official Order headquarters is moved in 2833 from Tohil III to Cascom in the Castra system. This planet was chosen after the demilitarization of the system and it allowed them to stay close to the Order’s Xi’an heritage by being only 2 jump gates away from Xi’an space.
By the end of the year, President Kern again petitions the Academy of Science to accept the Order. The Academy reviews the legitimate efforts the Order had gone through to prove their trustworthiness and Rayari Inc stepped in as a corporate sponsor to cement the acceptance. This event is considered by most to be the day that “the Order went legit”. Despite the “Four Year Proposal” being mocked as the “Twelve Year Proposal”, this move solidified Rebecca Kern as having the Order’s best interests at heart. Her presidency was repeatedly renewed until her retirement in 2923.
In 2838, the official contracted arrangement between Crusader Industries and the Order of Freelance Explorers dissolved with little fanfare.
In 2865, the Order was hired by Crusader Industries to survey Stanton II and Stanton IV for potential purchase from the UEE. After extensive surveys, the Order recommends the purchase of Stanton II to Crusader Industries. The Order also found a few potential transit base sites on Stanton IV, which were held by the Order for future consideration after the purchase of Stanton IV is determined.
In 2901, word got out that there’s a derelict Xi’an junker circling Hades III with the only known smuggled clutch of Osoians. A chapter of the OFE went to “rescue” the Osoians for research, despite President Kern forbidding any chapter from having anything to do with them. The entire chapter was slaughtered, adding yet another ship to the growing ship graveyard in orbit around Hades III. This tragedy is known as “The Mistake” and the defiant chapter was expelled posthumously.
From the 2900s to the 2940s, the Order has been repeatedly contracted by Nyahouaōng T.yi for many sensitive Xi’an-connected contracts due to its Xi’an connections. Since 2917, T.yi has helped the Order build a relationship with Aopoa. Occassionally, Aopoa offers contracts to the Order in the Ail’ka system due to their Xi’an ties. The hardest part of taking these contracts is confirming the Order’s permission with the Xi’an military vessels patrolling the Ail’ka system.
In 2923, President Rebecca Kern retires from her position as president of the Order. “5o1stice” is voted in as the new president.
In 2938, a member of the Order lost his right arm during a near fatal confrontation with pirates. He was taken to a nearby lunar Rayari facility for regeneration but was too late for treatment. He was given the option to test a new cybernetic replacement protocol using their experimental drug Ceprozin. The replacement was successful and his name can be found in case studies to prove its effectiveness and was part of the scientific evidence used to get Ceprozin approved for public use.
In 2947, the Academy of Science officially allows the Order to work for and trade with the Xi’an. The Order had been quietly working for decades with the Xi’an in unofficial capacities, which was leading to tension between the Academy and the Order. At one point, the Academy threatened expulsion. This agreement was made possible due to the Human-Xi’an Trade Initiative, which was brokered by Nyahouaōng T.yi. Rumor has it that Yu’arai contacted T.yi to voice his congratulations for the effort, despite no proof being found.
The Advocacy – Active distrust. They were Messer Era secret police and, as far as OFE is concerned, that hasn’t changed. They’re fascists. Lingering from opinions at founding. They’ve been rumored to commit “extra-judicial extractions” in Xi’an territory.
The Xi’an – Favorable, with historic ties.
Crusader Industries – Neutral, with little memory of previous relationships.
Imperial Cartography Center – Too “by the book”. Can’t trust their findings because they’re influenced by the UEE military industrial complex. “Where good explorers go to die.”
Vanda “Van” Douglas (2748-????, President 2775-2821)
Rebecca Kern (2799-2932, President 2821-2923)
“5o1stice” (2894-present, President 2923-now)
Vanda “Van” Douglas
Yu’arai se L’yansah
Kassandra “Silverfire” Zelenka
The core goal of the Order of Freelance Explorers (“the Order”) is to forge a community focused on discovery and adventure. Our Order was founded nearly 200 years ago by a band of smugglers and mercenaries who had a passion to be more than they were. They pooled their funds from their freelance work to fund expeditions that helped to unlock the mysteries of known and unknown space. Those traditions continue today. Our members are haulers, bodyguards, miners, and scientists. These may be their trades, but their true calling is to explore.
The Order’s core goal is to be a hub of support and fellowship for its members and their mutual adventures. It does not seek to dictate how we explore the universe, but instead seeks to aid them. We want to help those in need and will aid fellow members in their expeditions. Fellow members can help those who need resources or protection that can’t be obtained on their own.
Fellowship — Our bonds are built by trust and friendship. These strengths are what make the Order a ragtag force to be reckoned with. We focus on supporting our fellow Members, both in times of feast and in times of famine.
Integrity — Our strength of character is the fire that molds us in the crucible of adventure. Our Order was founded during the Fall of the Messer Era. We are from the Revolutionary Road and that will always be with us. Our professions may not be the most respectable, but we will not take from those who do not give. However, we will take from those who take.
Imagination — Our greatest passion comes from our imagination. We seek to discover. We seek to know what is unknown. When times are dark, we imagine a better existence. When times are light, we still imagine a better existence.
The Advocacy – The Order actively distrusts the Advocacy. They were the secret police of the Messer Era and the Order has a long memory. Their goals may be more beneficial now, but their history books are lined in red — including past Members of the Order during the dark end of the Messers.
The Xi’an – The Order was once a nyayu’a. Though the family was formally dissolved, there are many that consider the Order to still be a family in good standing. As such, the Order considers the Xi’an a close ally.
Crusader Industries – Due to the fellowship built between August Dunlow and the Order’s founder during the Revolutionary Road era, the Order is strongly supportive of Crusader Industries even though the relationship is not as close as it once was.
Imperial Cartography Center – The ICC is a governmental entity and its findings cannot be trusted due to their influence by the UEE military industrial complex and corporate interests. Vanda Douglas had a saying: “The ICC is where good explorers go to die.”
Academy of Science – The Order is an organizational member in good standing. The Order’s findings and discoveries have helped, along with countless other organizations, to progress the sciences.
Pirates – The Order is against piracy. Any Member found to have committed piracy while representing the Order will be expelled, pursuant to Article V, Section 13 of the Order’s charter.
Okay, I think I’m typing in our manifesto part. Yeah?
Look, all of the stuff above is true. The Order was founded on the ideals of exploration and adventuring. We still do that. We’ll always do that. It’s in our blood. But we’re not a bunch of noble explorers tasked by destiny to uncover the cosmos or something.
We’re haulers, miners, hired guns… we have bills to pay. The Order was originally formed as a way for adventurers scraping by in the UEE to survive and find something more for ourselves. That still holds true. Sure, we may have found some purpose during the Fall of the Messers but that doesn’t change who we are at our core.
We’re good people making a living and trying to help those we can along the way. We put together occasional expeditions and invite the whole Order to join us. Most of us tend to do our own thing and stay in communication to help each other out.
Does that sound good? Want to make some friends, do some good, and earn some money? Drop an application!
Great, that’s it! I’m gonna leave that stuff up above from the previous Order President. It looks good and it’s pretty accurate. Just remember what we really are.
— “5o1stice”, President of The Order of Freelance Explorers
The name of this organization shall be the Order of Freelance Explorers.
The Order of Freelance Explorers (“Order”) is a multidisciplinary, professional organization dedicated to the advancement of field research, scientific exploration, cultural protection, and the ideal that it is vital to foster the spirit of exploration. Members of the Order fund their exploration with temporary contract work and assistance. The Order serves to encourage education, public service, and scientific exploration of the universe and beyond. The Order provides a common bond and meeting point, both physical and virtual, for freelance explorers and field scientists galaxywide, thus continuing the goal established by its founders in 2775.
The general and specific purposes for which this Order is organized are the following: to promote general exploration; to sponsor educational programs and educational facilities that promote exploration; to foster interest in exploration and scientific research through lectures, publications, conferences, and financial grants; to maintain library, map, and other facilities that will assist those interested and engaged in exploration and scientific research.
The goals and purpose of the Order supersede the conceit of the patient raising of capital. The Order accepts members from many unexpected fields, such as exotic hauling endeavors, mercenary employment, and opportunistic resource retrieval. The Order does not condone the actions that will harm the oppressed or deprive resources of those who need them. The Order will, however, happily support funding from efforts that may deprive corporate interests that will not miss that which was misplaced.
Section 1. Membership. Membership shall be open to all sentient persons (“Persons”) interested in the purposes of the Order who meet the qualifications for membership set forth in Sections 2 and 3.
Section 2. Classes of Membership. The membership of the Order shall consist of the following classifications: Member, Fellow, Emeritus, Associate, and Friend. Members of all classifications shall be Persons of excellent moral and ethical standards. The Officers of the Order shall determine the qualifications, rights, and privileges of each class of membership by appropriate resolution, unless otherwise described herein.
Section 2.1. Member. Persons eligible for the Member class shall be individuals who have contributed in broad terms to the cause of exploration. Those candidates who evidence a sustained interest in some field of scientific exploration and the furtherance of scientific knowledge should set forth proof of such interest and activities in their application for membership.
Section 2.2. Fellow. Persons eligible for the Fellow class shall be Persons who have actively participated in or substantially contributed by research to field exploration of recognized scientific purposes and, as a result of such activities, papers, articles, books, reports, or other scientific data of permanent value have either been published under the applicant’s name or accepted by accredited scientific institutions.
Section 2.3. Emeritus Member. Upon recommendation of the Membership Committee, a member may be classified as Emeritus upon achieving 12 continuous months of membership. The Officers of the Order must approve election to the Emeritus class of membership. Emeritus Members shall retain all membership privileges.
Section 2.4. Associate Member. Persons eligible for the Associate Member class shall be individuals who evidence a sustained interest in some field of scientific exploration and the furtherance of scientific knowledge of the universe. Evidence of such interest and activities must be set forth in the application for membership. In no event shall they have the right to vote or hold any office in the Order.
Section 2.5. Voting Rights of Members. Any member of the above classes in good standing, except Associate or Friends, shall be entitled to vote in person, by proxy, or by approved written or electronic means, as provided by these Bylaws.
Section 2.6. Additional Classes. The Officers of the Order may create additional classes of non-voting members. The Officers of the Order shall determine the qualifications, rights, and privileges of such membership by appropriate resolution.
Section 3. Sponsorship and Election Rules. The rules governing the sponsorship and election of members shall be as described herein.
Section 3.1. New Friend Candidates. Unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, new friend candidates shall submit an application for membership to the Order covering, in as much detail as possible, the candidate’s background and why they wish to join the Order. The Membership Committee shall report on the merits of the applicant and determine membership as a friend of the Order.
Section 3.2. New Member Candidates. Unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, new member candidates shall submit an application for membership to the Order and must have a sponsor, members of the Order, who must file with the application a letter covering, in as much detail as possible, the candidate’s background, the Person’s qualifications in terms of accomplishments, and how long and how well the sponsor has known the applicant. This may be submitted in the Order’s Spectrum channel. The Membership Committee shall report on the merits of the applicant and determine the class of membership to which he or she might be eligible.
Section 4. Meetings. A member meeting shall be held whenever called by the President or by written demand to the Secretary of ten percent of the members eligible to vote (“Special Member Meeting”). The Secretary upon receiving the written demand shall promptly give notice of such meeting as provided below, or, if the Secretary fails to do so within five business days thereafter, any member signing such demand may then give notice.
Section 5. Notice of Meetings. Written notice of the place, date, and hour of any meeting shall be given to each member entitled to vote at such meeting by Spectrum at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting. Irrespective of the Person’s residence, each member of any classification shall furnish to the Secretary an electronic mail address to which all Order communications shall be sent. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given when directed to the member’s electronic mail address last furnished. In default of having furnished an electronic mail address in writing, or should such communications be returned to the Order, the communications shall be held by the Order in the member’s file at Order Headquarters to be delivered to the member if demanded. Notices of Special Member Meetings shall likewise set forth summaries of all matters that are to be voted upon at the meeting. No matter not so summarized in the notice of a Special Member Meeting shall be considered at the meeting. The Secretary shall cause to be forwarded with notices of meetings ballots in a form approved by the Officers of the Order.
Section 6. Quorum. The members entitled to cast one-hundred votes or one-tenth of the total number of votes entitled to be cast, whichever is lesser, present in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at any Special Member Meeting of the Order. No votes shall occur unless a quorum is present.
Section 7. Organization. The President of the Order shall preside at all meetings of the members or, in the absence of the President, an acting President shall be chosen by the members present. The Secretary of the Order shall act as Secretary at all meetings of the members, but in the absence of the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary shall be chosen by the members present.
Section 8. Voting. At any meeting of the members at which a quorum is present, each member eligible to vote, in person or by proxy, shall be entitled to one vote. Blank votes or abstentions shall not be counted in the number of votes cast.
Section 9. Proxy. Every member entitled to vote at a meeting may authorize another voting member to act for such member by proxy. A proxy must submitted by the member via Spectrum. No proxy shall be valid after the expiration of ten days from the date thereof unless otherwise provided in the proxy. Every proxy shall be revocable at the pleasure of the member executing it. For the purposes of conducting meetings, all proxies shall be delivered to the Secretary or, upon the absence of the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary.
Section 10. Action by the Members. Except as otherwise provided by statute or by these Bylaws in Article IV, Section 11, any action authorized by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of members at which a quorum is present shall be the action of the members.
Section 11. Special Actions Requiring Vote of Members. The following actions shall not be valid without the required numbers of eligible votes cast: (a) a plurality of the votes cast at a meeting of the members is required for the election of Directors; (b) a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the members is required for any amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation, these Bylaws, or a petition for judicial dissolution; © two-thirds of the votes cast at a meeting of the members is required for disposing of all, or substantially all of the assets of the Order, acquisition or disposition of any real property of the Order, approval of a plan of merger, authorization of a plan of non-judicial dissolution, or revocation of a voluntary dissolution proceeding. The affirmative votes cast in favor of any action described in this subsection © shall be a minimum of 100 qualified votes. Blank votes or abstentions shall not be counted in the number of votes cast.
Section 12. Resignations. Any member may resign from the Order provided that the Person notifies the Secretary in writing of the Person’s intention to resign. Within such period as the Officers of the Order may deem appropriate, upon written request filed by a resigned member, the Officers of the Order may at its discretion reinstate such resigned member.
Section 13. Discipline. The Officers of the Order, by a two-thirds vote, may suspend or expel a member for any material violation of a Bylaw or a standing rule or for any conduct which, in the opinion of the Officers of the Order, is improper and prejudicial to the best interests or reputation of the Order. However, no member shall be expelled or suspended for any period under this article without first having been given notice on Spectrum of the charges made against the member and afforded an opportunity to appear before the Officers of the Order and present a defense to the charges.
Section 14. Suspension of Membership for Taking Action Against the Order. Subject to the rights and privileges of members under this Section, the Officers of the Order at its discretion may consider suspension of any member who initiates a legal action against the Order, staff, officers or directors or materially assists in such action. A legal action is a lawsuit taken against the Order, staff, officers, or directors or the material provision of assistance to a person who initiates such action. Suspension is the loss of the rights and privileges of membership. The suspended member remains subject to disciplinary action by the Officers of the Order.
The principal office of the Order (“Order Headquarters”) shall be on the planet of Cascom, Planetary System of Castra. The Order may also have offices at such other places as the Officers of the Order may from time to time determine or the business of the Order may require.
Section 1. The Officers: Number and Qualifications. The Officers of the Order shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer. An individual may hold more than one office in the Order except that no one person may hold the offices of President and Secretary. All Officers must be members of the Order in good standing.
Section 2. President: Powers and Duties. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members. The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Order. The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Order. The President shall perform all the duties that are usually incident to the office of President and shall perform such other duties as from time to time.
Section 3. Vice Presidents: Powers and Duties. There shall be three Vice-Presidents of the Order: for Industry and for Protection. All Vice-Presidents shall have such powers and duties as assigned by the President. In the absence or incapacity of the President, the Vice-Presidents, in order of their seniority as determined by their membership election date in the Order, shall have the powers and perform the duties of the President until the next Special Member Meeting whereas the Members shall elect a new President.
Section 4. Secretary: Powers and Duties. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all special meetings of the members. The Secretary shall be responsible for the giving and serving of all notices of the Order and shall perform all duties customarily incidental to the office of Secretary. The Secretary shall have charge of all correspondence and maintain the records of the Order, except those required of the Treasurer. The Secretary shall furnish to the Treasurer the names of all Persons elected to the Order and shall advise the Treasurer of all changes or transfers affecting the membership. In the incapacity or death of the President, the Secretary may call a Special Member Meeting, at which time the members shall elect from among its members who are present at the meeting an individual to serve as President to serve.
Section 5. Treasurer: Powers and Duties. The Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements of the Order and shall deposit or cause to be deposited all moneys, evidences of indebtedness and other valuable documents of the Order in the name and to the credit of the Order in such banks and depositories as the President may designate. The Treasurer shall authorize the payment of all bills and accounts upon approval of the President. At a Special Member Meeting, the Treasurer shall render a report of the Order accounts, verified by the President and Treasurer, showing in appropriate detail: (a) the assets and liabilities of the Order as of a twelve-month fiscal period terminating not more than six months prior to the Meeting; (b) the principal changes in assets and liabilities during that fiscal period; © revenues or receipts of the Order, both restricted and unrestricted to particular purposes during said fiscal period; (d) the expenses and disbursements of the Order, for both general and restricted purposes during said fiscal period; and (e) the number of members of the Order as of the date of the report, together with a statement of increase or decrease in such number during said fiscal period, and a statement of the place whether the names and places of residence of the current members may be found. Such report shall be filed with the minutes of the Special Member Meeting. The Treasurer shall, at all reasonable times, exhibit the Order’s books and accounts to any Officer of the Order, and render a statement of the Order’s accounts. The Treasurer shall perform all other duties incident to the position of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall cause The Order of Freelance Explorer’s accounts to be audited annually and at such other times.
Section 1. General. Regional Chapters of the Order may be formed by a group of voting members in good standing in planetary systems throughout the universe subject to the approval of the Officers of the Order. The purpose of such Chapters is to encourage and extend the traditional purposes, goals, and objectives of the Order as specified in its Bylaws, as well as to bring together members of the Order who live in particular planetary systems. Chapter approval is based upon adherence to The Explorers Order Policies Governing Chapter Operation. Chapters shall have Articles of Procedure governed by the Order Bylaws. No action by a Chapter or any of its Officers shall have the power to bind the Order without an appropriate resolution of the Order’s Officers.
Section 2. Chairperson. Each Chapter shall elect a chairperson. Each Chapter shall hold elections for the election of a chairperson at least every two years. The chairpersons of all duly constituted Chapters recognized by the Order shall receive notice of each regular meeting of the Officers of the Order and may attend all regular meetings of the Officers of the Order. Each Chapter chairperson shall also receive copies of the minutes of all regular meetings of the Officers of the Order.
Section 1. General. The intent of The Explorers Order Awards Program is to recognize and honor major achievements in exploration or outstanding service to the welfare of the Order. The awards granted by the Order shall be the awards described in these Bylaws and The Explorers Order Award Program Policy. With the exception of the Vanda Douglas Medal, a recipient of an award or honor need not be a member of the Order. The Officers of the Order at their discretion shall grant all awards after the filing of a formal recommendation by at least five members in good standing.
Section 2. Annual Awards. The following awards shall be presented annually at The Order of Freelance Explorers Annual Dinner: The Order of Freelance Explorers Medal and The Vanda Douglas Medal.
Section 2.1. Order of Freelance Explorers Medal. The award of The Order of Freelance Explorers Medal is to be granted by the Officers of the Order at its discretion after the filing of a formal recommendation by at least five members in good standing to a person, either a member of any class or a non-member of the Order, for extraordinary contributions directly in the field of exploration, scientific research, or to the welfare of sentient-kind. Any individual recipient of The Order of Freelance Explorers Medal automatically becomes a member of the Order.
Section 2.2. Vanda “Van” Douglas Medal. The award of the Vanda Douglas Medal is to be granted by the Officers of the Order at its discretion after the filing of a formal recommendation by at least five members in good standing to a member of the Order having exhibited by the Person’s work and actions outstanding interest in the welfare and objectives of The Order of Freelance Explorers. The nominee must have been a member of the Order in good standing for a period of at least one year.
Section 3. Chapter Awards. Any duly constituted Regional Chapter of the Order may establish a chapter awards program. Each such awards program shall be subject to the approval of the Officers of the Order, after the filing of a formal recommendation by at least five members in good standing. Each regional award or honor shall be specified and defined to state its purpose and its selection criteria. Each Regional Chapter shall notify the Officers of the Order of any recipient selected for an award.
Section 4. Individual Patrons. Any person, member or nonmember, interested in the fulfillment of Order objectives, making at one time or in no more than three installments within a period of three years from the date of the first payment a contribution totaling 10,000,000 aUEC to the Order, may be named an Individual Patron of Exploration by the Officers of the Order. A Patron shall not be deemed to be a member, nor shall a Patron have the privileges of membership, unless the qualifications for membership stated in Article V have been met. Patrons shall receive an identification card indicating their status and entitling them to attend any and all lectures. Patrons shall have their names listed in Order publications and shall receive copies of all Order publications during their lifetime. The Officers of the Order shall determine all other rights and privileges of Patrons.
Section 5. Benefactors of Exploration. Any person, member or nonmember, interested in the fulfillment of Order objectives, making at one time or in no more than three installments within a period of three years from the date of the first payment a contribution totaling 30,000,000 aUEC to the Order, may be named a Benefactor of Exploration by the Officers of the Order. A Benefactor shall not be deemed to be a member, nor shall a Benefactor have the privileges of membership, unless the qualifications for membership stated in Article V have been met. Benefactors shall receive an identification card indicating their status and entitling them to attend any and all lectures. Benefactors shall have their names listed in Order publications and shall receive copies of all Order publications during their lifetime. The Officers of the Order shall determine all other rights and privileges of Benefactors.
Section 6. Leaders of Exploration. Any person, member or nonmember, interested in the fulfillment of Order objectives, making at one time or in no more than three installments within a period of three years from the date of the first payment a contribution totaling $50,000,000 to the Order, may be named a Leader of Exploration by the Officers of the Order. A Leader shall not be deemed to be a member, nor shall a Leader have the privileges of membership, unless the qualifications for membership stated in Article V have been met. Leaders shall receive an identification card indicating their status and entitling them to attend any and all lectures. Leaders shall have their names listed in Order publications and shall receive copies of all Order publications during their lifetime. The Officers of the Order shall determine all other rights and privileges of Leaders.
These Bylaws may be amended or repealed at any digital or in-person Special Member Meeting of the Order by a vote of the majority of the members voting in person, by proxy, or by ballot, provided that a notice of said meeting shall contain summaries of the proposed amendments, shall have been sent by Spectrum to each member entitled to vote at least five days prior to the meeting, and that said notice shall have been posted on the bulletin board of the Order and the confidential members section of the Order’s Spectrum site at least five days prior to the date of the meeting. Said notice must bear the date of the meeting, the place thereof where action shall be taken, and the location or locations where copies of the proposed amendments shall be kept available for inspection by any member, as designated by the Officers of the Order.
In all of its dealings, neither the Corporation nor its duly authorized agents shall discriminate against any individual or group for reasons of race, color, creed, sex, age, ethnicity, planetary origin, marital status, sexual preference, mental, or physical disability or any category protected by law.
These Bylaws, and amendments thereto, when approved by a majority of the entire Officers of the Order and by a majority vote of the members entitled to vote present in person or by proxy at a meeting of the members, shall be effective upon the date of adoption unless otherwise specified and shall have prospective effect.
Adopted 10 May 2831