Orion Corporation / ORIONCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Security

Welcome to The Orion Corporation. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.

We specialize in All things Industry and Exploration with a strong emphases on Security. We are looking for friendly active players who enjoy team work.


The Orion Corporation was founded by a core group of experienced MMO players who have the experience needed to organize and maintain a proper corporation and who share the excitement of the Star Citizen universe. Though we plan to grow large enough to accomplish our long term goals provided in our Manifesto, our main focus is making sure each one of our members is able to prosper under The Orion Corporation. OrionCorp Was founded to provide a friendly and exciting place for our members to enjoy there time in star citizen and for that time to be profitable.

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OrionCorp is a militarized Corporation Focused on profit and expanding it’s influence. Trading, Manufacturing and Exploration form the back bone of our economy. Funds from these publicized and large scale endeavors will go twords powering a very advance security fleet allowing Orioncorp to defend it’s assets and members from unlawful enemy incursions as well as securing valuable resources in dangerous areas of space. We will expand our influence throughout UEE space through a strong involvement in the growing economy, Control of valuable resources, Information gathering, Advanced manufacturing of state of the art technologies, A strong exploration division and in some cases through covert operations by OrionCorp security forces. Orioncorp will be a friendly and profitable environment for it’s members. Primary divisions are as follows.

Industry Includes mining, salvaging, manufacturing, and trading

Exploration Strong exploration is key to uncovering the riches of the universe. From finding valuable uncharted systems to uncovering advanced alien wrecks and rare valuable resources.

Security For defending our assets and members as well as projecting our power when needed. Security forces will also be used in specialized operations. Security forces may also be called in to secure other corporations for the right price.

Logistics Includes management of orioncorp and the movement of its assets, supporting and refueling large scale fleet movements and Dedicated Transporters. This Division is based on supporting various operations. Its the oil that keeps everything else turning.

Division selection is to organize the corporation based on the primary interest of how a member wishes to play star citizen and aid the corporation. All members are free to do a variety of things outside of organized operations and are free to request a change in division at anytime.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.