Oryx Warfare Group / ORYX

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“I’m just getting started!”

ORYX Warfare Group is a collective of veteran soldiers who fought against the Vanduul Attacks of 2910. Join us on discord:
DISCORD https://discord.gg/scdwmR8
SPOTIFY SC playlist…. spotify:user:madamginge:playlist:7uG4AQS6eBWLK1bpBDhBi1


Vanduul Attacks of 2910: During this attack a bunch of Vanduul Scythes and a Vanduul destroyer attacked the Squadron 42 carrier, the battle lasted six hours.

Members of ORYX served in the western systems supporting the famous Squadron 42. During this time members participated in search and rescue, scouting, and direct actions.


We are comprised of elite men and women with backgrounds in the following: Search and rescue, scouting, pilot, and special operations.

ORYX Warfare Group is a freelance group that tackles any job head on. We pride ourselves on our tenacity, ingenuity, and the capability to get the job done. Whether its exploration, cargo recovery, bounty hunting, or search and rescue ORYX is a group you can count on.

We are recruiting members with access to ships, vehicles, and weaponry to take on future jobs. At ORYX you are a essential member of a team not just another recruit.

Our goal is to have ten members by the release of 3.0.


Professional, Polite, Prepared to Kill