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Outer Systems Security Alliance / OSSEC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

To the Protection of the Citizens of the UEE.

The Outer Systems Security Alliance is a Private Military Company that is Dedicated to protecting UEE Citizens outside of UEE Space.

Applications are open to all who wish to defend the Citizens of the UEE.


In 2941, a group of Military Explorers, Known as the Outer Systems Mapping Initiative, were on a 2 year mission to map a set of newly discovered systems. This Initiative consisted of Nine Ships, including an Anvil Carrack, one MISC StarFarer Gemini, two Anvil Terrapins, and 5 Fighter Escorts of various manufactures and models, all with highly skilled pilots and crew. Mid-way through their mission they were intercepted by twelve Vanduul fighters, a battle ensued. The Vanduul fighters losses were absolute, though the Initiatives losses were not much better, they lost all but one Anvil Terrapin, the MISC Starfarer Gemini and all Fighters. The Mission was considered a loss, they had to abort. When the remaining ships returned to UEE space, the crews of the ships were discharged from service, as certain High-Ranking UEE High-Command Officials did not approve of these actions. After their Discharge these pilots and crew decided to become mercenaries for hire.

Over 3 years they had completed over 150 contracts for clients of different backgrounds, morals, status and financial backing. They became known as the Outer System Warriors. In 2944 they were given a mission by a known Criminal Mob Boss, one that would pay handsomely enough for all to retire extremely comfortably on Terra’s Executive Gardens. This mission would consist of destroying a secret drug development laboratory, operated by a rival Mob, and to capture the main scientists of the facility. This lab was located in an unmapped system, close to the Kilian System. The mission went off without a hitch, until they extracted the scientist and destroyed the laboratory. Once they left the atmosphere of the planet and about to quantum jump to the jump point, they received a distress call from some amateur explorers who had come under fire from Vanduul fighters. They immediately, without hesitation, re-calculated their spooled up quantum drive, and jumped to the explorers position.

When they arrived, the Constellation Aquila was badly damaged but keeping up a fight against seven Vanduul fighters, a fight they were losing. They immediately went on the attack. Ever since the attack on the Outer System Mapping Initiative, everyone wanted to face the Vanduul again, they had a hatred for them, especially when they were attacking innocent civilians, an odd sense of protection that came with once being in the UEE Navy that they never forgot. The Vanduul were defeated, though more members of the Outer System Warriors lives were taken. The Vanduul fighters were higher skilled than what was thought. Only three members survived, Alex (AKA Ghost), Ruari (AKA Rooster) and Sebastien (AKA Spider). The Aquila crew survived, but badly damaged, they went back to UEE space, escorted by the remaining members, being thanked by the crew of the Aquila excessively all of the way back. Thankfully for the remaining members Rooster had the scientist within his cargo hold, inside a holding cell, without any knowledge of what has occurred. The Mob Boss paid the entirety of the contract but instead cut three-ways, plus some extra due to the hard losses that had been taken. This was their last contract.

In 2944, they left the Mercenaries for hire scene, to create a legitimate business, specifically a Private Military Company. They opened up their first base on Osiris II in the Osiris System. Over the next years, the PMC grew and became renowned for protecting explorers in unmapped systems.


The Outer Systems Security Alliance PMC is a Lawful organisation, we will expect all Members to follow the orders given by the Leadership.

The law of The UEE is an absolute and must be followed at all times while you are a member of Outer Systems Security Alliance.

No Mercy shall be shown to Pirates, Criminals and Aliens that Threaten the UEE and its citizens.

Anyone who threatens any Citizen of The UEE, is to be branded an Enemy of the UEE.


We are not a Combat Specific Company, we also need players to help with:

  • Construction
  • Repair
  • Refueling
  • Transporting
  • Mining
  • Salvaging
  • Medical
  • Science
  • Information Running
  • Scouting

Working your way up the ranks within the Outer System Security Alliance, will determine the role you will play in the Company, as defined below:

  • Deck-hand

Deck-Hand in the Outer Systems Security Alliance is the first rank that everyone will start at when they join. As a Deck-Hand your job will be to man turrets, repair damage to allied ships, expel hostile boarding parties and to be basic soldiers in ground combat scenarios and placed in a squad.

  • Cadet

As a cadet you will have the same responsibilities as a Deck-Hand, however as a Cadet you may also be designated a specialised station such as Engineering, Cargo Control, Damage Control Management, and you will also be designated as a Squad leader in Ground Combat Scenarios, however you will be given orders from a senior ranking officer. You will be responsible for giving commands and looking after your Squad.

  • Flight Lieutenant

As a Flight lieutenant you will no longer have the responsibility of a Cadet or Deck-Hand. You will now be a Pilot for the Company. This will require you to fly as an escort for convoys or fleets (Combat or Support or Specialist), and to protect these ships. Once you are given the rank of Flight lieutenant you will be placed in a Squadron if you are a combat/escort pilot and also designated a Fleet to Protect.

  • Squadron Leader / Helmsman

As a Squadron Leader you may have the same responsibilities as a Flight Lieutenant as you may be in charge of a Squadron as the name would suggest, you will be responsible for giving commands and looking after your Squadron. You may also be required to pilot larger Ships, that have a Captain, Such as a Starfarer or Idris. If you are designated a Squadron Leader or Helmsman you will be designated to a fleet and a supervisory officer.

  • Captain

As a Captain you will be in-charge of the operation and management of the crew and ship. You will be required to captain a ship that has a priority need within a fleet. Depending on the ship you may be required to command Squadrons of fighters if they launch from your ship. You will be under the command of a wing commander.

  • Wing Commander

As Wing Commander you will be in charge of managing a Fleet, that fleets designation and role will be decided by the Fleet Admiral. Managing a Fleet will require you to manage Operations, Ships, Crews and Squadrons. As a Wing Commander you will be required to Captain the main Ship of your Fleet. Wing Commanders are also members of the Leadership Board.

Specialised Roles

Specialised Roles will only be given to members that have made a well known and trustworthy reputation within the Company. Members that wish to be given a Specialised Role, must show their skills in the area they wish to apply for.

  • Marketing Officer

As a Marketing Officer, you will have to show competent skills in a Video and Photo editing and Writing skills, as you will be in charge of maintaining and updating the branding for the company. This material must be of a high quality as this will be what new members will see, and so it is imperative to have high quality branding.

  • Recruitment Officer

As a Recruitment Officer, you will be in charge of Recruitment, this means sending out Invitations to Citizens and Accepting Applicants into The Company. Also Maintaining and Updating Introductory text for New Recruits and Invitational text for Invitations. For the Role, one would have to have Competent writing skills, Particularly in Persuasive writing.

  • Admiral

As an Admiral, you will be in charge of every member within the Company, this will include Promoting and Demoting the ranks of members, Promoting and Demoting Members from Specialised Roles, and the Monitoring of members within the company that have broken rules, and the expulsion of repeat offenders. The role of Admiral will only be given to the most Engaging, Reputable and Trustworthy members within the Company. This role will be given to members at the sole discretion of the Fleet Admiral.

  • Fleet Admiral


The rules in Outer Systems Security Alliance are as follows;

No Member shall hurt a Citizen of the UEE.
No Member shall hurt another Member or another Members vehicle.
No Member shall take part in Illegal activities.
No Member shall take control of another Members Vessel without their Explicit Permission.
No Member shall harass another Member, no matter what form it takes.

Any Member accused of any of these breaches of the Charter, will be closely monitored.
Any Member that is found Guilty of any breach of the Charter will be removed from the Outer Systems Security Alliance PMC, Indefinitely.

Your Political Opinion is yours and yours alone, do not bring it here.