Pirates & Smugglers / P1RATE3

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

We recruit the best pilots we can find ! We are a small group of people that are just trying to get some credits,
you know ?

If you get invited here, a member in our org noticed your talent, and think you deserve being here, consider This a compliment and a job offer !

Hope to see you here !



just a bunch of people trying to make money in this verse, nothing to fear, really !

our ships might be scary, but no worries, it’s just… For safety reasons, you know ? you’re never really safe in the verse !

if you got a job for us, don’t hesitate, contact a high rank official so we can negotiate the price !

We offer :

  • Protection again’st the competi… the baddies !
  • Polite demands towards other pilots to fund your cause with credits !
  • Very safe and legal actions involving getting someone safe and unnoticed out of some not very cool places !
  • Helping you remove your crimestat by… Peacefully negotiating your situation with the security forces of your system at their local station !
  • Avenging the loss of yourself, close ones, etc… By punishing those evil baddies, or if it’s to send a message or just for fun ! Better be safe than sorry and show who’s the boss to your fellow neighbors !
  • We can offer a variety of very legal goods for you to purchase ! it’s always legal somewhere you know !


Thanks for visiting us, Protectors & Sons ! the company where you’l really regret meeting us when you’re not a client !

because we got good prices you know ! :D


Browsing here to know our intentions ?

No worries !

We will tell our intentions to you when we meet !

Be sure to bring some credits ! ;D

You never know when you need them the most.

—see you in the verse !—


[1] : Respect everyone here.

[2] : you need to be active once per month, if the Org is considered active.

[3] : follow instructions given by higher command. You are allowed to question any order, or advice better, however your rank, as long as you don’t abuse it.

[4] : no trolling/griefing.