Paendragn Industries PTY LTD / PAEN

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security

We are an organisation based the ability to send cooperative mining squads to undertake mining operations in dangerous fringe territory. This coupled with an economic trading scheme to ensure said ventures are profitable for all involved in our friendly and open community.


Paendragn Industries is a long-standing organisation in the Star Citizen universe. We aim to have a large interactive and friendly community where missions are set up by head office. Traditionally mining in the outer regions is a difficult task, constant threats from pirates, solar events and unknown races mean many shy away from the task.

Here are PAEN we create teams, based on friendship between citizen’s, and facilitated business alliances, to go and explore these mining regions on the hunt for valuable resources. The team that discovers and mines these resources gains control of the mining area in consolation with PAEN.

PAEN members are entitled to use these mining sites, and out promise to out members is to protect these mining sites and the ships along with them. We have a strong, organised and trained fighting force.

Cooperation and friendship are the main staple-holds of PAEN, we have a friendly welcoming environment for those of all skill levels, and we provide services for the trade and sale for those precious minerals you collect. We here at PAEN invite you to be part of this organisation, and to for fill whichever role you choose, the possibilities are endless.


Paendragn Industries aims to create a welcoming environment for citizens of all skill levels. We connect people to teams as well as the larger PAEN community.

We aim to neutralise mining zones previously inhabited with pirates, and people will ill intentions. These zones will be designated PAEN safe zones which all members can mine and profit from.


General PAEN code of conduct (Official sanctioned document in lieu)
- Abuse, physical (attacking one another ships without warning or reason) and verbal (Insulting, deliberately degreasing) is not allowed at any stage.
- We will always protect and provide for out members, together we stand strong.
- Be courteous and friendly to other members.
- Whomever finds the mining site (and/or clears it) will be rewarded according!.
- Last but not least, enjoy the experience! We’re all here to have fun.