Paladin Consortium / PALCON

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Paladin Consortium is an association of pilots of all trades, united by the will to promote liberty and to improve the well-being and cooperation in the galaxy. We strive to ensure safe trading, mining and exploration. Some may be benevolent knights in shining armor, others prefer more shadowy tasks


Our primary universe is E:D; and in the early days of space colonization, when interstellar travel was still very dangerous and took days and weeks, a few colony ships left Sol for the star cluster around LFT 37, a remote system with a lot of opportunities around it.

However a few commanders fell into a worm hole and found themselves in a parallel universe where everything is different and are once again reestablishing their core mission of spreading the peace, or enforcing the peace.


We spread the peace, or enforce the peace.


Our members are already within the Paladin Consortium family.

Membership requires traversing parallel universes through wormholes.