The Pan-Asian Linguistic Promotion Group / PALP

  • Organization
  • Casual
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  • Social

Bringing the ‘Verse to East-Asia! 日本語 한국어 臺灣話


| Our Origins | 我々の元 |

Available in English 日本語がある
  • We are looking for assistance to translate our information into Korean and Taiwanese!

The Pan-Asian Linguistic Promotion Group was created specifically to promote translating Star Citizen, and marketing it for East-Asian nations. Notably, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Star Citizen is already enjoyed by large numbers of French and German speakers. We are thankful for Europe’s involvement in the ‘Verse. Indeed, we would have no Star Citizen without Europe!

However, we must ask, “Why doesn’t Asia get any love from the ‘Verse?” We aim to change this.

While “English” is the “official” primary language of this org, that is merely because Japan, Korea, and Taiwan all share English as a common language of study.


| Our Goals | 我々の目的 |

Available in English 日本語がある
  • We are looking for assistance to translate our information into Korean and Taiwanese!

We have five goals:

1 – Implementation of language support for the in-game Spectrum Chat & the Spectrum App.
2 – All menus and in-game navigation translated and available without separate downloads or plugins.
3 – A proper and well-crafted subtitling of all major dialog in Squadron 42, and the Persistent Universe, available as a native release or add-on patch.
4 – Use of translators who are natively-familiar with both English and the import language and culture—especially colloquialisms and subtleties.
5 – The marketing and promotion of Star Citizen into Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

We hope that by showing a unified support for translation, we can convince CIG that there is a viable market in East Asia. We also want to facilitate the addition of new languages to client-side users without the need to download a different game edition. The purpose is to ease gamer-driven promotion: For example, a Korean exchange student can try Star Citizen on her American friend’s computer, with minimal hassle. (This should promote “spur-of-the-moment” exhibition.)


| General Information | 一通りの情報 |

Available in English 日本語がある
  • We are looking for assistance to translate our information into Korean and Taiwanese!

This group was founded by AkumaTenshi, who is an English and Japanese speaker. However, we believe that many Asian nations other than just Japan are deserving of attention from CIG as well. However, demanding too many translations at once can prove self-defeating. For example, CIG would likely ignore an org requesting 15 different languages. However, we feel that Taiwan, Japan, and most especially Korea are well known for their gaming communities, providing fertile grounds for Star Citizen. We also feel that these nations’ laws and governments would not be overly-difficult to navigate.

All languages are listed Alphabetically using English.

This org does not currently use “Ranks” per-se. Rather, the ranking system is used to describe which Asian languages a member is either fluent, studying, or interested in.