Pathfinder Exploration and Exploitation Group / PATHGROUP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Ire Fortiter Quo Nemo Ante Iit

To Boldly go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Pathfinder (noun) : a person who goes ahead and discovers or shows others a path or way.

Exploitation (verb) : the action of making use of and benefiting from resources.


Founded in 2950 On New Babbage, Microtech, Pathfinder Exploration and Exploitation Group was founded with the intent of exploring and exploiting new resource deposits that were left unclaimed or unused by larger corporations, and utilizating this niche market in order to fill the gap between massive production bases of Hurston and Microtech, and smaller 1 or 2 man mining and salvaging operations.

In 2954 – CEO Travi (TraviTheParasiste) following an economic downturn combined with a rapid surge in piracy, and illegal acts based in the Stanton Star System, approached and welcomed about Wyan (MemeCommisar) in equal partnership to expand the Military and Private Security side of PATHGROUP in order to help alleviate external and internal pressures in Pathfinder, facing multiple issues with staffing, raiding, and piracy along trade routes.


Power through Strength, Strength in Numbers, Numbers in Unity

Pathfinder Exploration and Exploitation Group is a Jack of Many trades company taking on various forms of work as a smaller company, that other larger ORGs or Corporations would turn their nose up at, Such as;

Mercenary work, Combat Pilot Security, Medical Transport, Medium Freight Hauling, Exploration, Light mining, Personnel Transport, etc.

PathGroup is always there to extend a helping hand to “the little guy” helping smaller solo operations and orgs by supplying crew members, support ships, and security work for a reasonable fee, crafting each pricing for each customer uniquely to them.

The end intention of this group is to form a hub of trade and security for those who wish to have someone who has their back against larger orgs or corporations, never forgetting where they come from, and always providing assistance and a path for those who wish to succeed on their own, or in smaller orgs.


Members Charter: Voting in progress following Merger -2954